Area Code 408-283 located in SAN JOSE, SANTA CLARA, CA, more detail is as below. Place NPA (Numbering Plan Area):408 NXX (Local Number Prefix):283 City:SAN JOSE County:SANTA CLARA State:CA (California) NXX Use Type:Landline NXX Intro Version:1994-02-04 ...
County:SANTA CLARA State:CA (California) NXX Use Type:Landline NXX Intro Version:1999-10-13 FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards):06085 LATA (Local Access Transport Area):722 Rate Center:PALO ALTO ZIP Code Count:0 ZIP Code Frequency:Most frequently occurring ZIP Code, although percentag...
CBSA:San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA Land Area:1,291 square miles Water Area:13 square miles Coordinates:-121.695141, 37.231789 Quick Link: Santa Clara, CA ZIP Code Boundaries
城市名稱:Santa Clara 這是巴西 城市名稱:Santa Clara 區號數據庫的頁面列表。 您可以點擊標題瀏覽詳細信息。 區域代碼: SP 地區名稱國內目的地代碼Sn fromSn to運營商名稱號碼類型 São Paulo114289000042890999TIM CELULAR S.A.G 區域代碼: RJ 地區名稱國內目的地代碼Sn fromSn to運營商名稱號碼類型...
Santa Clara De CobreMichoacan, Mexico Santa Clara CountyCalifornia, United States Municipio de Santa ClaraCuba Santa ClaraLocality in Angola Santa ClaraLocality in Lisbon, PortugalLocales in the AreaSão JoséVillage São SebastiãoVillage ArrifesVillage Container TerminalLocality Cruise Ship DockLocality...
City:Santa Clara, California Names to Avoid: Santa Clara University County:Santa Clara County Timezone:Pacific (GMT -08:00) Local Time:10:54:01 AM Population:2,582[See All] Area Code:408 Classification:Unique [Company/Government] Coordinates:37.3495, -121.9376 ...
Santa Clara De CobreMichoacan, Mexico Santa Clara CountyCalifornia, United States Municipio de Santa ClaraCuba Santa ClaraLocality in Angola Santa ClaraLocality in Lisbon, PortugalLocales in the AreaChacaLocality, 4 km southwest PataqueñaLocality, 4 km southeast Machu QueiraneLocality, 4½ km nor...
Local jurisdictions, including San Francisco and Santa Clara County, are challenging President Trump’s crackdown on sanctuary cities and states and its threat to cut off federal funding. Kara St. Cyr reports.Feb 8, 2025 Twitter Facebook
We should incorporate Santa Clara County Social Distancing Protocol data into a community asset map and ultimately into the larger OpenStreetMap database. Background Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, most point of interest data in OSM in the South Bay has been at risk of going stale due to...
Len Ramirez reports on Santa Clara County’s Board of Supervisors race. Website: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter