Jyotish- The word in Sanskrit for Astrology and its study, both astronomical and astrological, because from the standpoint of Veda they are the same. The root “jyoti” means “light” or “brightness”. “ish” means God, the Divine. (Like how Ishvara is the word for God in the Yoga ...
The word devanagar means the `city nagar of immortals deva'. There are no capital letters. In Sanskrit, each letter represents one, and only one, sound. In English, the letter `a' for example, may indicate many sounds e.g. fat, fate, fare, far, but not so in ...
up-to-date in nature. Not only this, the whole world admits that Sanskrit is the most scientific language among all the languages known so far. It has been found to be the most suitable language for computer because of its scientific nature. As a result now students even in the Harvard ...
some Old English words and definitions will appear as part of the Indo-European language pattern--nothing new about that. But then over the period of, say, a few hundred years, the same word will obtain additional meanings--
ParineetiBeauty, Fairy ParinitaAuspicious Apsara ParinikaA small leaf ParinnyaFair lady ParidhiRealm ParithaSpace ParinitiBird ParivitaExtremely Free PrabhavathiOf the morning ParkruthiNature ParmilaNew, Wisdom, Expert ParnalLeafy ParnikaSmall Leaf, Goddess Parvati ...
With the advanced nature of the Sanskrit language and alphabet, some feel that, like the traditional source of the Vedas, Sanskrit was given by Divinity to humanity. It could not have been developed by the slow process of a human agency. After all, in the time period in which Sanskrit app...
systematicnatureofthelanguageis charminginitself,somethingofgreat beauty.ThestudyofSanskrit... IntroductiontoSanskrit:Part1withISBN978-8120838147isabookwrittenbyThomasEgenes.We havethisbookavailablefordownloadtoday.Thiscanbedoneonlineusingthelinkaboveorthrough thelibrary'sstandardcatalog.We'veaddedthousandsofPDFbo...