which are placed in betweenAandHa.According to him, in the Sanskrit alphabet, the very first letterAstands for Shiva, the primal source of all existence.Ais the initial emergence of all the other letters; and hence isAnuttara, the absolute. And,Anot only represents the origin of the languag...
Yaska, again, quotes several predecessors in the same branch of science; and it is probable that the original works on this subject consisted merely of lists of words similar to those handed down by him. 5. Jyotisha, or Astronomy. - Although astronomical calculations are frequently referred ...
Robert Bhāskara translated Sanskrit Quotes 1 into Hungarian on this website. But on the Parabhairavayoga website, he translated Part 1 and Part 2 of my Parabhairavayogasaṁsthāpanapracodanalaghuvṛttiḥ (Short commentary on the Foundational Principles of Parabhairavayoga). My wife, Natalia...
In turn, Bhaṭṭotpala wrote a commentary which is principally a compilation of quotes extracted from other books. However, the commentary by Rāmakaṇṭha (i.e. "Vivṛti") closely follows Vṛtti by Kallaṭa. As you can see, only Kallaṭa and Kṣema...
Pathak quotes a commentary of the Ādipurāṇa (XXX, 35) which explains trairājya as meaning “Choḷa, Kerala and Pāṇḍya”. The Pārttivacēkarapuram śālā grant of 866 CE specifies that the students of the śālā should be learned in trairājya vyavahāra., i.e., ...
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