The term “Sanskrit” was not thought of as a specific language set apart from other languages, but rather as a particularly refined or perfected manner of speaking. Knowledge of Sanskrit was a marker of social class and educational attainment in ancient India and the language was taught mainly...
Sanskrit to Hindi language translation using multimodal neural machine translationdoi:10.11591/ijeecs.v34.i2.pp1235-1245Kammar, PrashanthBaraki, ParashuramGanganayaka, Sunil KumarEraiah, Manjunath Swamy ByranahalliKumar, Kolakaluri Lakshman Arun
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has emerged as a dominant technique offering fluent and natural translations across various language pairs, but it demands substantial computational resources and large datasets, posing challenges with rare words or phrases. This research leverages the Bhagavad Gita dataset...
Despite of its important part in Indian culture and history, not much work has been done for translation to or from Sanskrit language. This proposed work is an effort to bridge the language gap between Sanskrit and Hindi, one of the most widely spoken languages of the world. The idea is ...
An interface is made available through which step by step translation can be seen and understood. This tool will be helpful to those who are familiar in Hindi language but unable to learn Sanskrit due to the scarcity of language experts. More than 60 Million people from India and abroad who...
Sinha, Translation Divergence in English-Sanskrit-Hindi Language Pairs, Sanskrit Computational Linguistics, A. Kulkarni and G. Huet (Eds.), LNCS 5406, pp. 134- 143, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.Goyal P,Sinha R M.Translation Divergence in English-Sanskrit-Hindi Language Pairs[C]....
Sinha and Thakur, 2005] Sinha, RMK and Thakur, A.: Translation Divergence in English-Hindi MT EAMT, Budapest, Hungary (2005).Goyal, Pawan & R Mahesh K Sinha. 2009. `Translation divergence in English-Sanskrit-Hindi Language Pairs'. In Sanskrit Computational Linguistics, vol. 5406, 134-143....
CorpusMTSSanskritHindiDeep Neural NetworkSanskrit language is the mother of almost all Indian languages. The main requirement in Sanskrit domain is to translate the life-transforming stories (epics), Vedas etc. to make them available in other languages, for public at large. In the field of ...
Machine translationGAHindiSanskritNLPMachine translation is the noticeable field of the computational etymol-ogy. Computational phonetics has a place with the branch of science which bargains the dialect perspectives with the help of software engineering innovation. In this field, all handling of regular...
While the structure of Sanskrit vibhakti was fairly organized, the same may not be true for Hindi. The present paper is a study in mapping Sanskrit Noun Phrase (NP) case markers with Hindi for Machine Translation (MT) purposes with a view to evolve cross-linguistic model for Indian ...