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For one or two human subjects, Auto-area AF works fine (as long as you don't mind the eyebrow or eyelash grabbing focus at times), and it normally does the right thing quickly. Telling the camera to switch to the other subject is simple, though it may fight you if the subjects are...
The idea is that programmers must fight the natural tendency to treat their programs as part of themselves, and therefore to reject all criticism. Rather, they should do their best to treat their designs & implementations as objects independent of themselves, and to view criticism dispassionately ...
分享34 undertale吧 敏感图 [分享模拟器] sans fright hard mode自我推荐网页链接 如果可以的话去b站支持一下我(bushi[模拟器] Undertale Sans Fight Hard Mode全阶段演示 带地址-哔哩哔哩网页链接 分享1赞 undertale吧 BIO降临◆ 【AU审核】模拟器Sans战让我们厮杀下去,直到其中一人化为灰烬。 813321992 undertal...
813321992 undertale吧 敏感图 [分享模拟器] sans fright hard mode自我推荐网页链接 如果可以的话去b站支持一下我(bushi [模拟器] Undertale Sans Fight Hard Mode全阶段演示 带地址-哔哩哔哩网页链接 分享1赞 undertale吧 闪光工作室 困难模式(屠杀线)模组包0.1介绍这是一个简易版的模组包,目前仍处于构思阶段,...