Sanofi-Aventis has expanded its presence in emerging markets with a $784 million deal with Hyderabad-based vaccine maker Shantha Biotechnics. On August 31, Sanofi-Pasteur, the vaccines division of Paris-based Sanofi Aventis, took control of Shantha after acquiring the ShanH subsidiary of Mérieux ...
Assignee: Sanofi Pasteur Limited (Toronto, Ontario, CA) Primary Class: 435/69.7 Other Classes: 424/263.1, 435/69.1, 530/300, 530/350, 536/23.1, 536/23.7 International Classes: A61K31/711; C12P21/04; A61K38/00; G01N33/50; A61K39/118; A61K39/39; A61K39/395; A61K48/00; A61...