Nodes are the points in the diagram where flows start, end, or intersect. They represent different stages or categories within the system. Links: The arrows that connect the nodes represent the flow of resources or data between them. Flows: The quantity of the resource moving from one node ...
Basic Sankey Diagram library(plotly)fig<-plot_ly(type="sankey",orientation="h",node=list(label=c("A1","A2","B1","B2","C1","C2"),color=c("blue","blue","blue","blue","blue","blue"),pad=15,thickness=20,line=list(color="black",width=0.5)),link=list(source=c(0,1,0,2,3...
This Sankey diagram below is for one of the different scenarios for energy generation and use in India in 2031, called the ‘High energy efficiency scenario’. The stacked bar at the left is lower, but the absolute numbers for total commercial energy supply are much higher in 2031 than in ...
option = { series: { type: 'sankey', data: [{ name: 'aaa' }, { name: 'bbb' }], label: { show: true, slient: false, triggerEvent: true, textStyle: { fontSize: 20 } }, silent: false, links: [{ source: 'aaa', target: 'bbb', value: 5 }] } }; What is expected?
get responded. 🎉 The average response time is expected to be within one day for weekdays....