Last year, the Indian businessman Rama Prasad Goenka announced that his industrial conglomerateRPG Groupwould be split between his two sons. The part given to his older son, Harsh, keeps the RPG brand name, while the younger brother, Sanjiv, would have to get a new name. Sanjiv’s company...
RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group Portfolio Exits 1 Portfolio Exit RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group has 1 portfolio exit. Their latest portfolio exit was True Elements on May 23, 2022. Date Exit Companies Valuation Acquirer Sources 5/23/2022 Corporate Majority True Elements $XXM Marico 6 Learn more by requesting...
Sanjiv Goenka | RPG group firms will work with each other on commercial termsBy Aniek Paul
RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group to invest Rs300 crore in GhanaManish Basu
Shining in his own light ; Sanjiv Goenka, unlike his forefathers, prefers to build companies rather than acquire them.Somnath Dasgupta