Sani-Tech® Ultra TubingSaintGobain Performance Plastics
Sani-Tech® STHT®-80 offers key advantages over other fluid transfer tubing, including: Unmatched pressure resistance: With a higher burst pressure than typical fluid transfer tubing, STHT-80 eliminates the need for costly braid reinforcements, providing a more cost-effective solution. ...
Sani-Tech® Ultra represents the next generation in ultra-pure platinum-cured silicone tubing. Quite simply, it's a better product. Features like ultra-low extractables and longer pump life were engineered into Ultra by the experienced materials scientists of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics to me...
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Sani-Tech® STHT®-R编织增强型铂金硫化硅胶扣压管属于高柔韧性、高纯度扣压管, 开发用于高压系统。STHT®-R扣压管由Sani-Tech® 65品牌硅树脂制成。 Sani-Tech® STHT®-R铂金硫化硅胶扣压管能够承受极端温度、臭氧、电晕、辐照、水分、压缩形变、气候及化学侵蚀的影响,并且对于其所运输的气体无嗅无味...
Sani-Tech® EZ Top® High Purity Container Closures & Transfer Systems Sani-Tech® EZ Top® Container Closure Manufactured from high-purity, platinum-cured silicone elastomers or thermoplastics, our Sani-Tech® EZ Top® container closure components provide an aseptic seal for handling ...
系列: 圣戈班Sani-Tech® 是否进口: 进口 价格: 透明 执行标准: 国际 专业: 靠谱 服务团队: 经验丰富 品质: 保障 行业口碑: 良好 服务: 保障 服务人员: 服务专业 质量: 过硬 售后: 完善 公司: 保障 货源: 充足 实力: 雄厚 圣戈班Sani-Tech® Ultra超高纯度铂金硫化硅胶管 价格说...
Sani-Tech West is Proud to Receive the "Baxter BioScience Best Regional Performance Award" Sani-Tech West is excited to be the new SaniSure, Inc. Representative for the West Coast Featured Products Colder AseptiQuik™ "CLICK-PULL-TWIST" design enables users to provide quick and easy sterile...
[单层管] TYGON@2375 2017-08-09 [Pharmed Tubing] PharMed BPT蠕动泵管 2017-07-25 [STHT-C silicone tubing] Sani-Tech® STHT®-C卫生级硅胶管 2017-08-10 PRODUCT CENTER 合作媒体 Cell Culture Sampling (Bags) 更多...