"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to carry us to victory, and the wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father withi
Welcome to Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum! Log in and join the community.SanguiniusJump to: navigation, searchSpace Marines PortalBlood Angels Sanguinius[16c]"If you truly do hail from the realm that men once called hell, when you return there, tell your kindred it was Sanguinius who threw you ...
Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. On the tabletop, Sanguinius can move fast and strike hard, as befits his station as The Great Angel. His fury is also reflected in the rules, as charging and getting into the thick of the action sees the Primarch...
这款引人瞩目的风格的设计灵感源于Warhammer 40,000晦暗宇宙的圣血天使战团。圣血天使是星际战士首次建军时创建的20个军团之一,是忠诚强大的原体圣吉列斯的尊贵后裔。他们因英勇善战和对帝皇的绝对忠诚而名震银河系。 想要获得“猩红色调”2D风格,在战场上以可怕外观震慑对手,您需要完成此礼包中的战斗任务:使用任意战车...
Warhammer-40000-фэндомы-Horus-Heresy-Wh-Past-... 2 千疮之子马格列尔采集到第十六战团 荷鲁斯之子 1 采集 img2.reactor.cc Warhammer-40000-фэндомы-Iron-Warriors-Chaos-S... 11 千疮之子马格列尔采集到第十六战团 荷鲁斯之子 采集 img2.reactor.cc Abaddon-the-Despoiler-Chaos-(Wh-40...
WarhammerCrime WarhammerHorror Audio Series Warhammer CommunityThe Horus Heresy Sanguinius: The Great Angel A Primarchs Novel "I have always been the master of wretches, and have learned from that. I am a wretch myself, a non-standard. To purify and to transform – that has been our gift....
A homegrown codex for the Blood Angels, Blood Drinkers, and Flesh Tearers Chapter for use in the 5th edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game.
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Verse: Warhammer 40K Name: Sanguinius, Great Angel, Brightest One, Lord of Baal, The Master of Hosts Gender: Male Age: Lived for several centuries before being killed Classification: Emperor of the Imperium Secundus, Primarch of the Blood Angels ...