桑兰sanglan 2018-7-8 14:25 来自iPhone客户端 我让我先生查一下@周立波 接受采访时说到的事实,客户告律师的案子。他迅速下载了,也确有其事,周立波没有撒谎。其实在美国想查案子很容易,国内媒体人一是不会,二是语言不通,主要是不知道方法,比如我。许多案子需要看法庭文件说明!告律师有几种,其中律师费争议...
桑兰sanglan 2018-9-27 12:19 来自iPhone客户端 当下,中美贸易摩擦,两国都在经历不同的考验。1998年我在美国纽约长岛受伤,今年整整二十年。当年我在美国受伤,从美国总统到纳苏郡行政长官。从前总统卡特先生,到前总统里根的夫人,到我们国家的领导人都给予了我很多的关注。很多年间,大家觉得我生活的不好,抱怨保姆...
商标名称 SANGLAN 国际分类 第25类-服装鞋帽 商标状态 商标续展 申请/注册号 3980417 申请日期 2004-03-26 申请人名称(中文) 苏州尚之品服饰有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 江苏省苏州市常熟市苏常公路莫城段55号湖滨商业广场4幢103 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 2007-...
桑兰是我国最优秀的运动员之一,她曾经在比赛中获得过一些奖。但不幸的是,在一次比赛中她受了伤,至今不能站起来。但她没有放弃希望,她克服了许多困难努力学习。现在她已取得了一些进步并会成为对国家有用的人。 Sang Lan is one of the best athletes in our country. Unluckily, she was badly hurt in a ...
口语入门:Sang Lan 桑兰 My favorite star is Sang Lan. She is one of the best gymnasts in our country and she is very beautiful. Her smile like sunshine makes everyone happy. Unluckily she was hurt badly in a contest. Since then she hasn't stood up. But she faces the fact bravely and...
勇敢的桑兰(Brave Sang Lan) sang lan is one of the best athletes in our country. unluckily, she was badly hurt in a contest. she could not stand up and only lay in bed. she felt sad and hopeless. but she hasn't given up hopes. she faces the reality bravely and overcomes many diffi...
aSang lan很高兴献身于体操 用was to Sang lan is very happy devoted uses was to in gymnastics[translate]
1【知识梳理3】SangLan is very good example of someone who is happy with her life, evenwhen people expecther to be sad. expect vt. ___ n. ___1)We should not ___ ___ overnight. 我们不能期望一夜之间就取得成功。2)I didn’t ___ ___ find you here. 我没料到在这里碰到你。3)I...
sang lan is one of the best athletes in our country. unluckily, she was badly hurt in a contest. she could not stand up and only lay in bed. she felt sad and hopeless. but she hasnt given up hopes. she faces the reality bravely and overcomes many difficulties to study hard. she ach...