The Educational Value of Sang Pencerah Film by Hanung Bramantyo: Aesthetic Research of ChiaroscuroFocused on how film can be efficient to deliver educational values through , this paper shows a new dimension of seeing film as a media that can be equal with human ways of thinking. Both of ...
Using Sang Pencerah film by Hanung Bramantyo as study case, we would discuss the backgroundwhy Chiaroscuro has a significant influence in developing reflective interpretation and specific value in film. The method of this research was based on Elsaesser and Hagener film theory and Charles S. Peirce...
In conclusion, chiaroscuro in visual narrative of SangPencerah film is a manisfestation of cinematic metaphor that was based on cultural value. This value can enhance both the effectivity of storytelling and the aesthetic aspect of film, which also significant to develop uniqueness and identity of ...