Healthcare & Rehab of Sanford provides coordinated, services to meet the care needs of the individual resident and patient. The interdisciplinary team members will collaborate with residents, patients, families, and staff to develop an individualized plan of care for each resident and patient. We st...
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Universal Design as a Rehabilitation Strategy: Design for the Ages, by Jon Sanford; Universal Design: Creating Inclusive Environments, by Edward Steinfeld and Jordana Maiseldoi:10.2752/175470813X13638640371011HamraieAimiDesign and CultureSanford, Jon. Universal Design As a Rehabilitation Strategy. 1st ed...
Sanford, J. A. (2012). Universal Design as a Re- habilitation Strategy: Design for the Ages. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.Sanford, J.A. Universal Design as a Rehabilitation Strategy: Design for the Ages; Springer: Berlin, Germany, 2012....
Universal Design as a Rehabilitation Strategy: Design for the Ages, by Jon Sanford; Universal Design: Creating Inclusive Environments, by Edward Steinfeld and Jordana Maiseldoi:10.2752/175470813X13638640371011AimiAimiHamraieAimiingentaconnectDesign & Culture the Journal of the Design Studies Forum...