Many of the survivors of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting are graduating from Newtown High School Wednesday. Jun 12, 2024 School lockdown drills have become common — experts say they could be better Before the Columbine High School shooting, schools prepared for fires and natural dis...
The site Awful Announcing wrote that she ignored the Sandy Hook questions during the AMA while answering others. The apology from Rousey was appropriate for the extremely hurtful choice to contribute to such harmful conspiracies spreading online. But it didn't come out of the blue or a sudden...
Sandy Hook Report: Adam Lanza Acted Alone in Slayings; Motive May Never Be DeterminedAdam Lanza acted alone and is the only person criminallyresponsible for last December's Sandy...Mary O'LearyBen Doody
Sandy Hook Families Seek Steep Punitive Damages After $1 Billion Alex Jones Verdict More Reuters FILE PHOTO: Attorney Chris Mattei addresses the media surrounded by families who lost loved ones during the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, after the jury awarded them $965...
Sandy Hook Promise's programs have been taught in more than 23,000 schools to over 18 million children and adults. Key components include education about the warning signs of potential school violence or self-harm and an anonymous tip system to report a classmate at risk for hurting others or...
HARTFORD, Conn.- A new report asks whether the race and affluence of Adam Lanza's family influenced decisions about how to care for his mental health problems in the years before he committed the2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. ...
Student Olivia Engel, 6, was killed when a gunman opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Conn., killing 26 children and adults at the school. U.S. News Decision Points Your trusted source for the latest news delivered weekdays from the team at U.S. News and World R...
The good news for vulnerable neighborhoods like Red Hook is that there is still much that can be done in the near term—and that adapting to sea-level rise and climate change involves more than hard sea walls. Existing buildings, even decades-old brownstones, can be renovated in ways that...
More than 12 years on from theSandy Hook Elementary School shooting, a former police captain had hoped he would no longer have to discuss the deaths of children from a school shooting. Christopher Vanghele,former police captain of Newtown, Conn., joined“NewsNation Now” to discussthe shooti...
Under the new agreement between the Sandy Hook families, the Texas families will be paid $4 million, with $1 million being paid within seven days of court approval, according to court documents. After that, the Texas families will receive 25% of future payments made to the Sandy Hook...