题目 初一英语解答 “sandwich本来是英国东南部一个不出名的小镇,镇上有一位Earl of Sandwich名叫John Montagu,他是个酷爱玩纸牌的人
The Earl of Sandwich是指三明治的发明者John Montagu,他也是Sandwich伯爵,于1762年发明了三明治。此外,Earl of Sandwich也是一家三明治连锁店的名称。 ‘The Earl of Sandwich’的探秘之旅 ‘The Earl of Sandwich’的基本介绍 ‘The Earl of Sandwich’并非仅仅是一个三明治品牌...
网络释义 1. 三明治伯爵 根据记载,英国第四代三明治伯爵(Earl of Sandwich)约翰.孟塔古(John Montagu)在一七六二年突发奇想,要求厨师把牛 … tw.myblog.yahoo.com|基于63个网页 2. 伯爵三明治 ...爵」的意思)合作,在佛罗里达迪士尼世界开了第一家「伯爵三明治(Earl of Sandwich)」餐厅,并且正准备扩展成全国连...
三明治的文字记载最早可以追溯到300多年前。一位名叫约翰·孟塔古的三明治伯爵(Earl of Sandwich,一个英格兰的贵族爵位,由查理二世在1660年设立)酷爱打牌,由于一时玩得忘情,懒得正经去吃午饭。于是他让仆人为自己准备一份面包夹牛肉,好一边吃一边打牌。这位伯爵的牌友们后来也纷纷效仿,于是这种食品开始在英国...
三文治的命名,传说是因为18世纪英国贵族第四任三文治伯爵约翰·蒙塔古(John Montagu,4th Earl of Sandwich),这本是英国东南部一个不大出名的小镇,但蒙塔古伯爵是个酷爱玩纸牌的人,他整天沉溺于纸牌游戏中,已经到了废寝忘食的地步。没有时间用餐,他的夫人便请仆人便将一些菜肴、鸡蛋和肉肠夹在两片面包之间,...
sandwich本来是英国东南部一个不出名的小镇,镇上有一位Earl of Sandwich名叫John Montagu,他是个酷爱玩纸牌的人,他整天沉溺于纸牌游戏中,已经到了废寝忘食的地步。仆人很难侍候他的饮食,便将一些菜肴、鸡蛋和腊肠夹在两片面包之间,让他边玩牌边吃饭。 没想到Montagu见了这种食品大喜,并随口就把它称作“sandwich...
In 1762, the world’s first fast food was named after its creator, John Montagu—a noted explorer, British naval commander and the 4th Earl of Sandwich. Lore has it that his day-into-night love of gambling led Montagu to put meat between 2 slices of bread to satisfy his need for nouri...
That is the story of the word "sandwich". It is named after (以…命名) the Earl of Sandwich.( )46. The man, Sandwich, is from___. A. the USA B. Canada C. the UK( )47. Sandwich often___all day. D. plays golf E. has meals F. plays cards( )48. Sandwich is put___betw...
007The Sandwich三明治 A sandwich is a food item prepared by placing different kinds of fillings between two or more slices of bread. There is a story about the sandwich.The Earl of Sandwich was an Englishman, living in the 18th century. He was rich and liked to play cards for money. He...