Sandstone Color Hex #c9ae74 RBG rgb(201,174,116) HSL hsl(41,44%,62%) HSB hsb(40,42%,79%) CIELab CIELab(72.2,1.82,33.34) CMYK cmyk(0%,13%,42%,21%) RED 78.82% GREEN 68.24% BLUE 45.49% Sandstone Cliff Shade of Violet Skinny Jeans Spa Sangria Stone Fruit Susu Green ...
Hex RGB HSL #c88e6f foreground The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting.Vincent Van Gogh … #c88e6f background To create one's own world takes courage.Georgia O'Keeffe … #c88e6f shadow If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I...
Hex RGB HSL #d7c89b foreground Art is the stored honey of the human soul.Theodore Dreiser … #d7c89b background For me, painting is a way to forget life. It is a cry in the night, a strangled laugh.Georges Rouault … #d7c89b shadow The only time I feel alive is when I'...
问PANTONE 16-1328TPG色号的RGB,Hex,CMYK数值分别是多少? 答PANTONE 16-1328TPG色号的RGB色值为(200,142,111), Hex(十六进制色值)为 #C88E6F, CMYK未登记 ,请注意,这些数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,实际生产中请参阅最新出版的实物色卡确认! 问在哪种标准色卡上收录了PANTONE 16-1328TPG色号?
Accept all cookies Abstract Injection of fluids during wastewater disposal and geologic carbon sequestration causes induced stress and changes in rock’s elastic and failure properties, such as elastic moduli and fracture toughness. An accurate understanding of such changes in the response requires modelin...
Lower diagonal shows hexbin cross-plots and fitted linear regression models. The color indicates the number of points of the hexbin. Upper diagonal shows Spearman correlation coefficients between each two features. Note that RS, RD, and PERM were transformed into logarithmic domain. (For ...
Entrada Sandstone Color Hex #d5b498 RBG rgb(213,180,152) HSL hsl(28,42%,72%) HSB hsb(29,29%,84%) CIELab CIELab(75.49,7.75,18.71) CMYK cmyk(0%,15%,29%,16%) RED 83.53% GREEN 70.59% BLUE 59.61% Entrapment Fiddler Fragrant Wand ...
Color Charts RGB CMYK RYBColor Space Conversions Decimal 11241330 Binary 10101011, 10000111, 01110010 Hexadecimal #ab8772 LRV ≈ 27.2% Closest short hex #a87 ΔE = 1.574 RGB rgb(171, 135, 114) RGBA rgba(171, 135, 114, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.62865, G: 0.52486, B: 0.44829 / #...
Color Space Conversions Decimal 11899006 Binary 10110101, 10010000, 01111110 Hexadecimal #b5907e LRV ≈ 31.3% Closest short hex #b98 ΔE = 3.253 RGB rgb(181, 144, 126) RGBA rgba(181, 144, 126, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.66666, G: 0.55955, B: 0.49339 / #aa8f7e ΔE = 3.139 rg...
Weathered Sandstone Color Hex #dfc0a6 RBG rgb(223,192,166) HSL hsl(27,47%,76%) HSB hsb(29,26%,87%) CIELab CIELab(79.69,7.1,17.18) CMYK cmyk(0%,14%,26%,13%) RED 87.45% GREEN 75.29% BLUE 65.1% Weathered Shingle Winter Sky ...