To pay tribute to — not just what went into its creation, but its significance to the story — I spoke with credited writersMichael FerrisandJohn Brancato, producerRob Cowan, computer graphics supervisorTodd Marks, and technical consultantsAlexandHarold Mann. (Bullock did not respond ...
— In director Alfonso Cuarón's new movie, actress Sandra Bullock stars as an astronaut who suddenly finds herself floating uncontrollably in space. So why title the film "Gravity," the clear opposite of what the majority of people think of when they imagine life off of the planet Earth? c...
Sandra Bullock is certainly one of the most famous Sandras on this list. One of the famous actresses named Sandra, she has starred in several films including Demolition Man, Speed, and Miss Congeniality. She won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in 2009's The Blind S...
YouTube People with motion sickness beware: you're in for the ride of your life! The new trailer forAlfonso Cuarón's roller-coaster 3D film,Gravity, hashit the weband findsGeorge ClooneyandSandra Bullockplaying NASA astronauts plunged into imminent danger when thei...
After all that Sandra Bullock endured post-Oscars, we wouldn't be surprised if the Academy Award-winning actress swore off award shows forever. But we hear she so hasn't! Seems the new mama isn't letting Bombshell-gate scare her away from press lines and shiny trophies. That's our gal...