SanDisk Clip Sport Plus 16GB Red The affordable, lightweight SanDisk Clip Sport Plus MP3 player gives you the freedom and flexibility to work out the way you want. With its durable, water-resistant design1, it’s ready for a muddy mountain bike ride or a trail run in the rain. It also...
The affordable, lightweight SanDisk Clip Sport Plus MP3 player gives you the freedom and flexibility to work out the way you want. With its durable, water-resistant design, it's ready for a muddy mountain bike ride or a trail run in the rain. It also features Bluetooth wireless...
跟我要买的鞋一凑单那不是又省了运费(这想法正确吗),反正不管了, 一旦有了想剁手的心是阻止不了我的 [商品 : SanDisk Clip Sport 4GB MP3 Player, Red With LCD Screen and MicroSDHC Card Slot- SDMX24-004G-G46R : MP3 Players & Accessories] ...
The affordable, lightweight SanDisk Clip Sport Plus MP3 player gives you the freedom and flexibility to work out the way you want. With its durable, water-resistant design, it's ready for a muddy mountain bike ride or a trail run in the rain. It also features Bluetooth wireless technology...
SanDisk MP3播放器Clip Sport Plus 运动健身 无线蓝牙耐用内置FM收音机 蓝色 32GB图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
sandisk sp..sandisk sport clip,各位吧友们,本人最近看到闲鱼上的这个小玩意儿就买了下来,发现用usb连电脑时只能充电,电脑识别不到设备,想问一下是有什么问题吗,还是这款mp3本身就不可以
这款Sandisk Clip Sport Plus音乐播放器,拥有一块1.44英寸的LCD显示器,其分辨率为128 x 128,该播放器支持多种音乐格式,包括MP3, AAC, Audible, Flac, Ogg Vorbis, WAV以及WMA等,加入防水科技,蓝牙无线技术可让您无线连接您的耳机;轻便耐用,可以夹在你的衣服或装备上;16GB容量存储多达4000首歌曲;内置FM收音机。
这次来晒下前不久入的闪迪运动MP3:SanDisk Clip Sport 8GB MP3 Player,那时候是特价39.99美元入的,现在恢复原价49.99美元,感觉还是占到便宜了~ 入手他的原因有很多,包括SanDisk 这个牌子值友们比较认同,然后看了晒单后发现好像还不错,听说还可以刷Rockbox ,可玩性很不错,最主要是当时价格很好,于是就没头没脑地...
SanDisk Clip Sport PLUS 用户手册说明书
SanDiskClipSportPlusMP3播放器16GB(蓝牙,20小时电池续航时间,易于固定,FM无线,*多4000首歌曲标题)蓝色 去购买 还有人记得Sansa吗?曾经可以和索尼、iPod分庭抗力。然后这个子品牌没有了,但SanDisk还在,只有美亚有售。 如果用耳机听,续航能力达到20小时。如果用蓝牙耳机,续航就会减一大半。