唯一的区别是,通过Sandboxie-Plus运行的应用窗口外框会变为黄色,便于用户识别。 当需要关闭应用时,只需进入该沙盒的右键菜单,选择「终止所有程序」,即可彻底退出应用并释放内存空间。 除了上述用途外,沙盒技术还具有其他多种应用场景,如应用多开、测试未知应用的安全性等。尽管在沙盒中使用在好几年前非常火爆(比如360...
安装过程中,Sandboxie-Plus 会自动拦截迅雷安装驱动程序的请求,实测这两个驱动程序起到守护迅雷的作用,并不影响它本职的下载功能。 Sandboxie-Plus 拦截了迅雷驱动程序的安装 安装完成后,迅雷顺利运行。 3)创建快捷方式 安装在沙盒中的软件,是无法直接在桌面上创建快捷方式的。此时我们需要借助 Sandboxie-Plus 自带的功...
沙盘SandBoxi..沙盘SandBoxie Classic_v5.64.2 / Plus 1.9.2描述:沙盘Sandboxie中文版是一款知名的系统安全工具的菜鸟高手裸奔工具,它可以让选定程序在安全的隔离系统环境下运行
Sandboxie-..Sandboxie-Classic-x86-v5.51.3Sandboxie-Classic-x64-v5.51.3Sandboxie-Plus-x86-v0.9.3Sandboxie-Plus-x64-v0.9.3Sandboxie: (访问密码:3842)
Sandboxie是目前兼容性最好的沙盒了。如果还不满足,可以选择使用Oracle VM VirtualBox,VMware。不过我...
Sandboxie Classic has the old no longer developed MFC-based UI, hence it lacks native interface support for Plus features. Although some of the missing features can be configured manually in the Sandboxie.ini configuration file or even replaced withcustom scripts, the Classic edition is not recomme...
Sandboxie Classic has the old no longer developed MFC-based UI, hence it lacks native interface support for Plus features. Although some of the missing features can be configured manually in the Sandboxie.ini configuration file or even replaced with custom scripts, the Classic edition is not recom...
Sandboxie is available in two flavors, Plus and Classic. They both share the same core components...