Sandals Resorts offer adult guests The Luxury Included® Vacation experience, including dining options, the finest land and water activities, luxurious suites and full-service Red Lane® Spas. Beaches Resorts include all the fun, adventure and luxury
Sandals and Beaches Resorts 在八个国家(包括安提瓜、巴哈马、格林纳达、巴巴多斯、牙买加、圣卢西亚、库拉索和特克斯和凯科斯)拥有五个品牌和 24 家酒店,是加勒比度假体验的无可争议的领导者,并且仍然坚定地致力于该地区, 致力于创新度假村开发,用创始人 Gordon “Butch” Stewart 的话说,为客人、同事和以加勒比海为家...
海外酒店 >新西兰 >新西兰Sandals Resorts的酒店 Sandals Resorts 三十多年来,Sandals为情侣打造了完美的浪漫度假体验,赢得了世界范围内“爱是你所需要的地方”的美誉,因为其他一切都得到了照顾。加勒比地区共有 16 家 Luxury Included® Sandals 度假村,包括牙买加、巴哈马、格林纳达、巴巴多斯、安提瓜、圣卢西亚和库拉索...
每间都提供令人惊叹的海滨环境、豪华的住宿环境和众多让 Sandals Luxury Included® 体验的特色。 Sandals Resorts 连续 18 年在世界旅游大奖中被评为加勒比地区领先酒店品牌,是公认的浪漫海滩度假标准。如需更多信息,请访问: Sandals Resorts集团品牌 其他集团 雅高 精选 ALH集团 BIG4 ...
These Sandals resorts in the Bahamas offer unparalleled luxury, stunning beaches, and a host of activities and amenities to create unforgettable experiences for couples seeking a romantic Caribbean getaway. Barbados Barbados, located in the eastern Caribbean, is a picturesque island known for its stunn...
每间都提供令人惊叹的海滨环境、豪华的住宿环境和众多让 Sandals Luxury Included® 体验的特色。 Sandals Resorts 连续 18 年在世界旅游大奖中被评为加勒比地区领先酒店品牌,是公认的浪漫海滩度假标准。如需更多信息,请访问: Sandals Resorts集团品牌 其他集团 优品迎 洲际酒店集团 旅客之...
Resorts often have different specialty foods — like Italian carpaccio. Tiffany Duong/Ocean Rebels A piano bar offered nightly tunes and entertainment at the main salon on the resort. Tiffany Duong/Ocean Rebels Nighttime activities included talent shows, silent discos and local artisan fairs. Tiffany...
网络桑道斯度假村 网络释义 1. 桑道斯度假村 加勒比地区的桑道斯度假村(SandalsResorts)作为旅行结婚胜地已有30年历史。 该度假村发言人莱恩(VanessaLane)表示…|基于2个网页
Are you dreaming of a tropical vacation at Sandals Resorts in Jamaica but can't decide between the Montego Bay or Royal Caribbean locations? Don't worry. In this... Best Caribbean All-Inclusive Resorts: Luxury, Budget Options, And Couples Picks Are you craving a luxurious and hassle-free ...
Sandals Resorts and Beaches Resorts, Ideal for couples, weddings, and luxurious all-inclusive Beaches Resorts family vacations.