Lead your company of heroic misfits and explore the legendary world of SAND LAND developed by the creator of Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama.
The Sand Land video game is already converting me into a fan of the manga I’m always a little thrilled whenever I hear that a manga series is getting a video game adaptation. As someone who really wants to get deeper into manga, but often feels intimidated by the wealth of options out...
Sand Land, is at its heart, an open- world adventure game about Beelzebub and all of the cool vehicles he can pilot. The main mode of transportation is a customizable tank that can traverse the sands and blast away enemies. And yes, it utilizes classic tank contro...
本游戏为动作RPG,能让玩家化身为主角「贝尔杰布」,跟伙伴一起在「鸟山明」传奇名作品《SAND LAND》的世界中冒险。 Critical Reception Sand Land proves once again that Akira Toriyama and video games are a perfect match. 4 / 5 Lewis Parker Eurogamer Sand Land has its shortcomings and feels a little...
The Deluxe Edition includes:• SAND LAND• My Room Furniture Set: Army Base• My Room Furniture Set: Hideout• Speed Demon Pack• Beelzebub Decal Set*Decal customization will be available after unlocking Paint Shop in Spino.*My Room will be ava
The Deluxe Edition includes:• SAND LAND• My Room Furniture Set: Army Base• My Room Furniture Set: Hideout• Speed Demon Pack• Beelzebub Decal Set*Decal customization will be available after unlocking Paint Shop in Spino....
Sand Land is in development for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam.View the gameplay video below:Read details on the game below:Dive into a desert world where both humans and demons suffer from an extreme water shortage.Play as and watch the...
25 September, London: Watch our new trailer here and get ready to explore the SAND LAND and save the world! How did this unlikely alliance between humans and demons come to be and what is their goal? A new trailer of SAND LAND shows more about this world turned into a scorching desert...
Sand Land: The Seriesis set in a world where the water supply is limited and controlled by a greedy king. It is based on the popular short story by Akira Toriyama, the creator ofDragon BallandDr. Slump. The series will build on the universe of the original feature, telling new stories...
Last Updated September 10, 2024· byMiljan Truc Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions review – an expensive minigame When Hogwarts Legacy came out, one complaint that made the rounds was that you couldn’t play quidditch. As it turned out, the reason for… ...