Become a member to see contact information for Sand Land: The Series. Try IMDbPro Premium for free + Add Cast 24 cast members NameEpisodesKnown for Owen Thomas Thief 13 The Walking Dead: Season Two(2013) Jonathan Lipow Rao 13 Overwatch(2016) ...
Sand Land: The Series: With Jonathan Lipow, Owen Thomas, Erik Braa, Alan Adelberg. In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, water is controlled by a greedy ruler. Sheriff Rao enlists the king of demons' son Beelzebub and assistant Thief to find a lost lake, faci
鸟山明原作改编动画《SAND LAND: THE SERIES》同时公开了主视觉图和正式预告片。本作包含了2个篇章,一个是在2023年夏天上映过的剧场版动画《SAND LAND》基础上添加了未公开画面和新镜头后重新构筑的《恶魔王子篇》,另一个是鸟山明花费20年思考的剧场版的后续《天使勇者篇》,在这次公开的预告片的最后可以看到部分...
Français (France) Deutsch (Deutschland) हिंदी (भारत) Italiano (Italia) Português (Brasil) Español (España) Español (México) Sand Land: The Series(2024– ) It looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet. ...
Series; anime studioKamikaze Dougaand ANIMA, which specializes in high-quality 3D CG animation. ADVERTISEMENT Watch ZDF Studios' Weiss & Morales in their Exclusive Showcase The voice cast forSand Land: The Seriesincludes Mutsumi Tamura, Kazuhiro Yamaji, Chō, Satoshi Tsuruoka and Nobuo Tobita. The...
改编自鸟山明同名原作漫画,动画剧集《SAND LAND: THE SERIES》公开先导PV,延续电影版制作班底,由横岛俊久执导,神志那弘志监修,片头曲为 Kroi 的《Water Carrier》,片尾曲为 Tempalay 的《ドライブ·マイ·イ...
isn’t great, butSand Landtook on an extra burden when Toriyama tragically passed away at the beginning of March. In a sense, it feels like this gameneedsto be good. Even if his involvement may have mostly been in a supervisory role,Sand Landis one of the last things Toriyama worked on...
outside of other amazing works such asDragon Ball,Dr. Slump, andDragon Quest.SAND LANDmay have gone under the radar for many gamers, even though the anime series is now also available on Disney+. We were eager to dive into this cuteMad Max-likeRPG adventure, and for the most part, we...
If exploring a unique sand-filled setting and blowing up other vehicles sounds like a good time, SAND LAND may just be what you need.
Bandai is releasing a new game,Sand Land, based on a story byDragon Ballcreator Akira Toriyama, and there’s already has a demo you can play. InSand Land, you explore a land suffering from a widespread drought while a diverse cast of characters set out to find a legendary spring. ...