Characteristics of soil moisture content on sand dunes in Muus sandy grass- land: why Artemisia Ordosica declines on old fixed sand dunes. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2000, 24(3): 275.]郭柯,董学军 ,刘志茂. 毛乌素沙地沙丘土壤含水量特点 - 兼论老固定沙地上油蒿衰退原因[J ] .植物生态学报 ,...
Sand dunes are one of nature's most incredible examples of order, and even beauty, arising out of, well, chaos.沙丘是自然界最不可思议的源于混乱的秩序,甚至美丽的例子之一。Beautiful sand dune landforms like this form in countless places around the world.像这样美丽的沙丘地貌在世界上无数地方形成...
(redirected fromSand dunes) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to Sand dunes:Great Sand Dunes National Park dune (do͞on, dyo͞on) n. A hill or ridge of wind-blown sand. [French, from Old French, from Middle Dutchdūne; seedheuə-inIndo-European roots.] ...
兰斯林白沙丘(Lancelin Sand Dunes)位于西澳大利亚州西部海岸的小镇兰斯林(Lancelin),距离珀斯(Perth)大约120公里车程。这里是西澳州最大的沙丘,沙丘高约50米,斜度超过45度。兰斯林沙丘以其洁白细腻的沙子而闻名,一边是蔚蓝的印度洋,一边是洁白的沙漠,形成了强烈的视觉对比。游客在这里可以体验滑沙活动,镇上有许多店铺...
A hill or ridge of wind-blown sand. Dunes are capable of moving (by the motion of their individual grains) but usually keep the same shape. The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Hough...
Best luxury resort in desert, located in Wadi Al Abiyad sands in Barka, Oman. Dunes By Al Nahda provides best accommodation in luxury tents, luxury suite tents and royal tents with lots of amenities.
The Imperial Sand Dunes, sometimes called the Algodones Dunes, are the largest mass of sand dunes in California. This dune system extends for more than 40 miles along the eastern edge of the Imperial Valley agricultural region in a band averaging five miles in width. Rising to heights of over...
At the Shadao Shall Sand Exhibition Hall, you can delve into the fascinating history and significance of sand dunes in Taiwan, learning about their ecological importance and admiring unique sand sculptures. Nature lovers will be delighted by the nearby Longkeng Ecological Reserve Area, a haven for...
Sand dunes can “sing” at a level up to 115 decibels and generate sounds in different notes. The dunes at Sand Mountain n Nevada usually sing in a low C but can also sing in B and C sharp. The La Mar de Dunas in Chile hum in F while those at the Ghord Lahmar in Morocco howl...
Modern Apt - 7 Mi to St Anthony Sand Dunes!位于圣安东尼,配备带阳台和免费WiFi的自助式住宿。这家公寓距离伊莉莎R.斯诺表演艺术中心有不到20公里。 这家空调公寓配有1间卧室、起居室、带冰箱和咖啡机的设施齐全的厨房以及1间带浴缸或淋浴设施和免费洗浴用品的浴室。这家公寓还提供电视以及1间带吹风机的浴室。