class Echinoidea Echinodermata echinoid Echinoidea Exocycloida order Exocycloida order Spatangoida phylum Echinodermata sea urchin Spatangoida white References in periodicals archive ? We row over to Muerba and spot hermit crabs leaving cog-like trails, as we search for sand dollars (small, flat ...
Sand Dollar: The slot-less Sand Dollars (Echinarachnius parma) found on the coast from Labrador to Maine, and the 5- or 6-slot Keyhole Urchins (Mellita quinquiesperforata) found on the Southeastern coast are both members of the class Echinoidea. Close kin are the spherical Sea Urchins and ...
sand dollar n. 1.Any of various thin circular echinoderms of the order Clypeasteroida, especiallyEchinarachnius parma,of coastal northern Atlantic and Pacific waters, having a covering of short movable spines. 2.The disklike internal skeleton of a sand dollar, having five radially symmetric oblon...
sand dollar, any of the invertebrate marine animals of the order Clypeastroida (class Echinoidea, phylum Echinodermata) that has a flat, disk-shaped body. They are close relatives of sea urchins and heart urchins. The sand dollar is particularly well adapted for burrowing in sandy substrates....
Sand dollar, any of the invertebrate marine animals of the order Clypeastroida (class Echinoidea, phylum Echinodermata) that has a flat, disk-shaped body. They are close relatives of sea urchins and heart urchins. The sand dollar is particularly well ada