human activities and climate change,with average reductions of 70.1% and 29.9% in total runoff being caused by human activities and climate change,respectively.Taken together,the results of this study indicate that human activities are the primary cause of runoff reduction in the Sanchuanhe River ...
三川河成就战国时代的繁华大都市 当北京、上海、广州等现代化大都市还处于蛮荒无名之地的时候,地处晋西三川河沿线的离石、蔺(今柳林县孟门)就成为战国时代全国鼎鼎有名的繁华城市和铸币中心了。形成这一状况有其深远的背景和历史成因。 城市经济发展的动力 战国时三晋各国争先变法与先进思想的活跃是推动原始城市经济发展...
公今在何处 平仄:平平仄平仄 拼音: gōngjīnzàihé|hē|hèchǔ|chù 公今在何处,守都镇三川释义 【守】〔古文〕《唐韻》書九切《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》始九切,音首。《說文》守,守官也。从宀,官府也。从寸,法度也。《玉篇》收也,視也,護也。《易·繫辭》何以守位,曰仁。《周禮·天官》獸人...
★史家河村未来7天天气预报★ 史家河村天气预报02月24日星期一 小雨,4℃~7℃,无持续风向。 史家河村天气预报02月25日星期二 多云,4℃~14℃,无持续风向。 史家河村天气预报02月26日星期三 多云,6℃~14℃,无持续风向。 史家河村天气预报02月27日星期四 晴转多云,7℃~18℃,无持续风向。 史家河村天气...
Sanchuanhe River basinhydrological simulationclimate changehuman activitiesrunoff variationRunoffs in many rivers in China have been decreasing over the last decades. How to identify the contributions of human activities and climate change to runoff variation is a hot topic, a difficulty problem as ...
the Loess PlateauTaking Sanchuanhe River basin in Loess Plateau as example, a monthly water balance model is used to assess climate aridification effects. Based on hydrological simulation in the basin, according to the hypothetical climate scenarios, responses of runoff an...