Marta Gonzalez UC Berkeley 21,828 51 Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries ‹1› Figure 4 H-Index entries per page Search: NameSchoolCitationsH-Index Lawrence Frank UC San Diego 48,271 99 Carlo Ratti MIT 32,703 91 Michael Storper UCLA 52,629 85 Stewart Fotheringham Arizona State University...
K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Here, the profiles of talented youth are listed in an alphabetical manner. Know more about them by going through their education and professional details. Youth having good skill sets (starting alphabetically) - J Yo...
2022-04-28 Polarimetric imaging for the detection of synthetic models of SARS-CoV-2: a proof of concept Emilio Gomez-Gonzalez 2204.14050v1 null 2022-05-02 GRIT: General Robust Image Task Benchmark Tanmay Gupta 2204.13653v2 link 2022-05-24 ViTPose: Simple Vision Transformer ...
Fernando Vidal,Aisi Cravid,Gigolos At Work,Wade,The Mae,Ed'k,Sergio Sorolla,Raul Yepes,Karlos JK,Jose Ponce,Fran Lk,Alexander D,Perfect Fuzion,Pomodoro,Michael Free,Victor Vergara,javi always,Victor Gonzalez,Hugo Sanchez,Leo Blanco,Joan Ibanez,Tony Roguez,N-Yes,FakeOb,Jossi,Juan Cardj,Tikita...