IBM Storage Networking SAN24B-6 can be deployed as a full-fabric switch or as an Access Gateway, simplifying fabric topologies and heterogeneous fabric connectivity (the default mode setting is a switch). Access Gateway mode4 utilizes N_Port ID virtualization (NPIV) switch standards to present ph...
IBM Storage Networking SAN24B-6 是一款入门级交换机,兼具 4、8、16 和 32 Gbps 的高性能功能以及简便抓取操作和企业级功能。它使中小型数据中心能够以较低的成本获得行业领先的第 6 代光纤通道技术,并能够从小规模开始按需扩展(从 8 个端口到 24 个端口),以支持不断变化的存储环境。IBM b 型第 6 代光纤...
IBM 存储网络 SAN24B-6 安装、服务和用户指南说明书
The IBM® Storage Networking SAN24B-6 switch provides exceptional value in an entry-level switch, combining high-performance capabilities of 4, 8, 16 and 32 Gbps, point-and-click simplicity, and enterprise-class functionality. The port speed capability is dependent on the transceiver installed...
This IBM® Redbooks® product guide describes the IBM Storage Networking SAN24B-6 switch. Explosive data growth, coupled with user expectations of unlimited access from anywhere, at any time, is pushing storage environments to the limit. To meet
IBM Storage Networking SAN24B-6 Switch auf einen Blick Produktnummer 8960-F24 Hot-Swap-fähige Komponenten Steckbare Transceiver mit kleinem Formfaktor (SFPs) Garantie Ein Jahr; durch den Kunden austauschbare Einheit (CRU) und Vor-Ort-Reaktion am nächsten Werktag (9×5); Garantieservice-Upg...