Manuela GalliDepartment of Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano;IRCCS “San Raffaele Pisana”, San Raffaele SPA, Roma, Italy;Giorgio AlbertiniDepartment of Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano;IRCCS “San Raffaele Pisana”, San Raffaele SPA, Roma, Italy;...
The present study aimed at evaluating i) the presence of Sense-of-Coherence (SOC) inpatients suffering from Parkinson's Disease (PD) in comparison with an age-matchedgeneral control population, ii) the influence of SOC on health-related variables, such as depression and anxiety, quality of ...
Child Developmental Department, IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Rome; andClaudia CondoluciChild Developmental Department, IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Rome; andAnna Maria FavoriniUniversità degli Studi Roma Tre, Faculty of Education, Rome, ItalyJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Journal of Policy & Practice in ...