Native Californians at the Presidio of San Francisco: Analysis of Lithic Specimens from El Polín SpringSpanish colonialNative AmericanLithic technologyLaborRelatively few archaeological studies have examined the experiences of native people at Spanish colonial military installations. A small flaked lithic ...
英文名称:SXMICRO TECHNOLOGY HK LIMITED 2、注册地址:19H MAXGRAND PLAZA NO.3 TAI YAU STREET SAN PO KONG KL 3、注册资本:1,000,000美元 4、经营范围:电子产品及技术的研发、销售、贸易、进出口业务 5、商业登记证号码:72779659-000-03-22-0 除上述变更外,芯汇群香港工商登记的其他事项未发生变化。 特此...
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The herbs were tested to be qualified according to the requirements of Chinese Pharmacopeia (2015 Edition) and Hong Kong Materia Medica Standards. GR-PR was boiled together in a weight ratio of 1:1, and ATR-PO was in 1:2, under moderate heating in 8 volumes of water. In preparing the ...
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预计2025年财zheng赤字lv将突po3%de红线,达到4%左you,这jiang释放chu近2wan亿的kong间用yu发行guo债,la动投zi、带dong消费。。 ### 二、星空无限传媒(官方)APP下载IOS/Android通用版/手机app:多样化的题材与深刻的内涵 6yue13ri、14日,he南多di发布ren工增yu公告。提醒:任何zu织和ge人若fa现未bao炸...
### 二、探索男明星AI换脸二三区入口:未来影像技术的无限可能-今金...:多样化的题材与深刻的内涵 路tou社13日称,新制cai包括heng水元zhan贸易you限公si和总bu位于xiang港的heng邦微dian子有xian公司,理由shi它们she嫌或zeng经参yu“破huai乌克lan稳定”或“po坏或wei胁乌ke兰领tu”。“美国zhi音”c...
WomenSample description at baseline assessment ( = 245 adult women with a history of unstable housing)doi:10.1186/s12954-020-00361-8Meredith C. MeachamKara L. LynchPhillip O. CoffinAmanda WadeEliza WheelerElise D. RileyHarm Reduction Journal...
Methods: We collected information regarding recent substance use through self-report and urine toxicology (confirmed with mass spectrometry) once a month for up to 6 monthly study visits from a probability sample of 245 women in San Francisco with a history of housing instability (2016-2019). We...