Authy, Autodesk, Back to the Roots, BagIQ, Bitty, Change Catalyst, Chartcube, Cherish, CloudFlare, CloudHQ, Cola, Corigin, Covisint, Cubr, Dear Veronica/Engadget, Dolby, eBay, Engager, FarmX, FlowHub, FireEye, Glass Chart, GoPro, GreenRush, Handscape, Handscape, Headset, Ingrain, Ipipit...
Con-X-Treme 2 is happening at the Marriott in San Mateo on Labor Day weekend. That's where Westercon and BayCon 2007 were held. I've got a lot of fond memories of that hotel. Anyways, there is some wonderment that there will be a CXT2. The website wasn't working as of a while...