刚刚去参加了San Mateo county (SMC) leadership(SM郡选举)的竞选(campaign)活动,这是2024年大选周期我参加的第二个现场活动。3月5日是加州的大选初选(O子陵在听歌),届时所有加州local选举候选人都会出现在选票上(down ballot),因此所有campaign都在紧锣密布地进行。今天的活动在Woodside Methodist church举行。SMC北...
SMC-Connectis a Ruby on Rails app that makes it easy to find human services, farmers' markets, and other community organizations in San Mateo County, California. The app is powered by theOhana APIplatform which was developed byCode for America's 2013 San Mateo County, CA,fellowship team:@...
當您經由聖馬刁縣人民服務局(San Mateo County Human Services Agency) 或透 過社會安全生活補助金(SSI) 計劃核准參加加州低收入醫療保險( 白卡) 時,您就成為聖馬 刁健康計劃會員。您的基本Medi-Cal (加州低收入醫療保險( 白卡)) 福利與加州其他的 Medi-Cal 受益者相同,但您還可享有額外服務。 會員手冊 本...
CIP works closely with San Mateo County human service agencies to collect and organize information about their work. The CIP mobile app contains information on health and human service agencies plus community service, social and arts organizations serving San Mateo County residents. Specifically, these...
(1995). Interagency collaboration for children's mental health services: the San Mateo County model for managed care. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 22(3), 301-313Abbott, B., Jordan, P., & Murtaza, N. (1993). Interagency collaboration for children's mental health services: ...
Everything south of the line became the new San Mateo County while everything north of the line became the new consolidated City and County of San Francisco.[72]【参考译文】加利福尼亚在1850年迅速获得州的地位,美国军队在金门建造了堡垒角和在阿尔卡特拉斯岛上建立要塞,以保卫旧金山湾。旧金山县是1850...
Want more ideas? Check out all the camps available for kids over Thanksgiving Week and Winter Break. Holiday Break Camps in San Francisco See dates for other school holidays: School holidays for SFUSD School holidays for San Mateo County ...
Two candidates will go head-to-head on Tuesday to secure the only open seat up for grabs on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors.
East San Diego County is lobbying for more spending on bicycle infrastructure, sincethe entire area has just one protected bike lane, which only serves to get you the hell out of there. Bicyclists in San Jose and Los Gatos arecomplaining about plastic bollards marking a separated bike lane, ...
The SIR organization was born with Damian Reynolds and his idea of organizing a group of retired male friends to meet monthly for lunch. Sons in Retirement (SIR) was incorporated in 1959 in San Mateo. Today SIR has 18,000 members in 150 branches covering Northern California. The basic rules...