Talò Primitivo Di Manduria DOP 📝 这款葡萄酒是该地区的代表性产品,经过橡木桶陈化,口感更加丰富。📌 塔罗 维戴卡白葡萄酒 Talò Verdeca Puglia IGP 📝 独特的维戴卡白葡萄品种,搭配橡木桶陈化,凸显出产品的独特魅力。这些葡萄酒不仅代表了San Marzano酒庄的高品质,也展示了意大利葡萄酒的多样性。0 0 发...
除了意大利的DOP产区,许多国家也引进了San Marzano种籽进行培植,但品质却无法与之相提并论。这主要是因为萨莱诺地区的光照、湿度等自然条件非常适合San Marzano番茄的生长。🌞🌋此外,临近维苏威火山的种植区域,肥沃的火山土壤为番茄提供了更甜、酸性更低的口感。这使得San Marzano番茄在品尝时更加美味。😋💡如果你...
©Cantine San Marzano Winery Wine Club Cantine San Marzano is a cooperative winery in the centre of the Primitivo di Manduria DOP zone of Puglia, southern Italy. The enterprise was founded in 1962 by 19 grapegrowers. See website Email Delivery & Services Shop rating - How we rate ...
📝San Marzano圣马萨诺酒庄为了打造一款标志性产品,葡萄选取San Marzano和Save之间的老藤葡萄园,这里是意大利Salento萨伦托半岛的Primitivo Di Manduria DOP(曼杜里亚的普利米蒂沃)核心产区,这个葡萄园有40公顷土地,树龄超过60年,当地人称作“Valley Del Sessantanni”(60年山谷),因此这款酒取名“Sessantanni”,也就...
意大利🇮🇹 San Marzano圣马萨诺酒庄出品📌高端葡萄酒系列产品~~~🍷Anniversario62 Primitivo Di Manduria Riserva DOP 纪念62周年 - MasseriaVino于20230607发布在抖音,已经收获了3个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Il San Carlo al due è il ristorante ideale per chi vuole gustare la cucina milanese rivisitata in un ambiente accogliente e raffinato. Cena Romantica Location ideale per un incontro romantico, con i suoi colori caldi e l'atmosfera informale, intima pur trovandosi in pieno centro a Milano....
Pomodori Pelati San Marzano DOP Gustarosso(+)/Campania(+)/San Marzano & Tomatoes(+) FORMATS 800 gr - 28.2 oz -$ 9.75 400 gr - 14.1 oz -$ 6.00 Ingredients peeled whole San Marzano Tomatoes dop, San Marzano Tomato juice BPA FREE
Pomodori Pelati San Marzano DOP Gustarosso(+)/Campania(+)/San Marzano & Tomatoes(+) FORMATS 800 gr - 28.2 oz -$ 9.75 400 gr - 14.1 oz -$ 6.00 Ingredients peeled whole San Marzano Tomatoes DOP, San Marzano Tomato juice BPA FREE
The San Marzano Tomato from DANIcoop is cultivated in Campania and is a Slow Food Presidium product that is DOP certified. Thin-skinned, delicate and with few seeds, it is the ideal tomato for making sauces and preserves, and is the tomato of choice for authentic Neapolitan pizza makers. ...
Our imported DOP San Marzano tomatoes are simply the best in the world - known for their vibrant red hue and beautiful balance of fresh, sweet and tart flavors - ideal for simple tomato sauces.