San Martin San Martín San Martín San Martín de los Andes San Martin De Los Andes, Neuquen, Argentina San Martín José de San Martin Neighborhood Alliance San Martin Organized Kart Enthusiasts San Martin Planning Advisory Committee San Martin, Jose de San Martín, José de San Mateo San Mateo...
Wikipedia San Ma·te·o (săn mə-tā′ō) A city of northern California on San Francisco Bay between San Francisco and Silicon Valley. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houg...
San Martín, José de BornFeb.25,1778,inYapeyú,CorrientesProvince;diedAug.17,1850,inBoulogne-sur-Mer,France.AleaderoftheWarofIndependenceoftheSpanish-AmericanColoniesof1810–26.NationalheroofArgentina.General. Thesonof acaptainintheSpanisharmy,SanMartinwaseducatedin amilitaryschoolinMadrid.From1808to18...
It was the product of a collaboration between the Argentine Consulate in Los Angeles, the San Martin Society of the San Fernando Valley, and the City of Los Angeles. It’s framed by inscribed red bricks of probable donors; the plaque notes the Consulate General of Argentina in Los Angeles ...