Thruway service also runs south to San Luis Obispo with connection to the Pacific Surfliner. 【参考译文】美铁穿梭巴士(Amtrak Thruway)从旧金山的三个地点提供班车服务,前往海湾对面的埃默里维尔(Emeryville)的美铁车站。[372] 此外,BART提供了从埃默里维尔、奥克兰和里士满的美铁车站到旧金山的连接服务,而...
圣路易斯奥比斯波郡位于中央海岸AVA的中心位置,与旧金山和洛杉矶距离相当。当地人将圣路易斯奥比斯波郡和市称为“圣路易斯”(San Luis)或者简称为SLO。产区距离大城市太遥远,以至于葡萄酒旅游发展缓慢,主要依靠当日来回与周末的游客,但来此度假者聚集到这里已经数十年了,也是因为这里不靠近任何大城市。 在葡萄酒行业有所...
综上所述,San Luis Obispo(圣路易斯奥比斯波)是一个集历史、文化、教育、旅游、美食于一体的多元化城市。无论是想要感受西班牙文化的魅力,还是想要探索自然之美,这里都是一个值得一游的地方。
Spectate or participate in one of the many sporting events held in the San Luis Obispo County area. View information on events, times and dates.
EAG is an Orange County and San Luis Obispo law firm from Employers Only in Employment Litigation and advice matters.
Visit San Luis Obispo is the official guide for everything you need to know about San Luis Obispo, California. Discover the best things to do in SLO, from live shows and shopping to wine and farm-to-table fare. Find your perfect stay in SLO, whether a bo
San Luis Obispo is a dynamic community, with a diverse population and growing needs. Throughout the past challenging year, we have supported nonprofits to help feed those in need, and provided personal protection equipment for first responders, migrant workers, childcare providers and others. We be...
Our Music Lessons Teach Perfect Pitch! Learning is faster and easier for students age 2 - 92 once they are matched to a teacher they love. All instruments Piano, Voice Flute and Styles, Classical, Pop, Self-Written. teVelde offers Family Scheduling, Spe
圣路易斯奥比斯波(San Luis Obispo County)是美国加利福尼亚州(California)中部海岸的葡萄酒产区,南北部位于圣路易斯奥比斯波和蒙特利县(Monterey County)之间,东西部位于太平洋海岸和圣路易斯(Santa Lucia)山之间,这个地区的气候同其北侧的纳帕谷(Napa)和索诺玛(Sonoma)相似。它的葡萄种植面积达31,000英亩,酿酒厂约210...