The meaning of CAPISTRANO is city in southwestern California southeast of Los Angeles population 34,593.
南橙县宜居城市San Juan Capistrano圣胡安市果岭别墅/定制欧式豪宅/纯欧式风格 $3,499,000(约¥2307.10万) 4.0卧室5.0浴室3车库室内面积 4460 呎土地面积 10500呎建造于 2000年 圣胡安卡皮斯特拉诺的最美丽...
私校聚集地,美式独栋不容错过 San Juan Capistrano,尔湾往南车程25分钟,这个私校聚集地的美式独栋太美了@ 🍕4房,室内3373尺,占地7200尺,230万🍕独立的保姆房非常实用,一楼带一个书房,入户后是餐厅,往里...
位于美国加利福尼亚州橙县的古城——圣胡安-卡皮斯特拉诺(San Juan Capistrano)是加州历史最悠久的城市之一,同时它也是橙县的发源地。San Juan Capistrano station, 1895 圣胡安 - 卡皮斯特拉诺地理位置 圣胡安 - 卡皮斯特拉诺(San Juan Capistrano)是美国加利福尼亚州橙县下属的一座城市。建市于1961年4月19日,面积大...
San Juan Capistrano, city, Orange county, southern California, U.S. Located near the Pacific coast, it lies halfway between San Diego and Los Angeles. The seventh in the California chain of 21 Franciscan missions, Mission San Juan Capistrano was founded
Historic Landmark and Museum and famous for the Annual Return of the Swallows, Mission San Juan Capistrano, welcomes over 300,000 visitors each year. Enjoy exhibits featuring historic and religious artifacts, rare paintings, and more. Experience the trad
在San Juan Capistrano的downtown行走,发现了有着历史沉淀的老建筑。 Rios Adobe 它建于 1794 年,是为驻扎在圣胡安卡皮斯特拉诺传教区的西班牙士兵费利西亚诺里奥斯建造的,是加州一直由一个家庭居住的最古老的住宅。 Casa Manuel Garcia 是加州为数不多的两层蒙特雷土坯建筑之一,也是Orange唯一一座靠近 El Adobe de ...
(or around) San Juan Capistrano, I would love the opportunity to earn your business. Purchasing a condo in San Juan Capistrano is much more intricate than a home as not every complex qualifies for all types of financing, thus choosing the right San Juan Capistrano Realtor matters. Feel free...
visitors of San Juan Capistrano have been entrusted with a heritage unlike any other. From the native Juaneño (Acjachemen) Indians, Spanish Mission, cattle ranches and railway station, the history is rich with stories of the unique and visionary people that shaped the special town we enjoy ...
Compare San Juan Capistrano, CA Livability vsCompare A+Amenities Are there many local amenities in San Juan Capistrano?Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location. Parks Cook la Novia Park Hist Town Center Park Historic SJC Mission City Park ...