Official airport website of San José Mineta International Airport, located in the heart of Silicon Valley in San Jose, California. Designed to provide the information you need quickly and easily. From flight schedules and airport maps to on-site service
Official airport website of San José Mineta International Airport, located in the heart of Silicon Valley in San Jose, California. Designed to provide the information you need quickly and easily. From flight schedules and airport maps to on-site service
中文名称:圣何塞国际机场 机场三字码:SJC 英文名称:San Jose International Airport 机场四字码:KSJC 国家/地区:美国(United States) 时区:UTC-8 所属区域:加利福尼亚(California )-圣何塞(San Jose) 海关机场:是 详细地址:Mineta San José International Airport, 1732 North First Street, Suite 600, San Jose...
圣何塞国际机场(英文全称:San Jose International Airport ,ITAT代码:SJC),所在城市:圣何塞,是美国(USA)的重要机场之一。
San Jose Int'l Airport (SJC) is located in the heart of Silicon Valley, the center of technology innovation. San Jose is the 10th largest city in the U.S. Upvote6Downvote San Jose Mineta International Airport (SJC)June 9, 2014 The Power Suite is now open!
在San Jose Mineta International Airport上車 (SJC) 開啟App 預約行程 當你準備就緒後,請打開 Uber App 預約行程前往目的地。根據同行人數和行李數量,選擇最適合你往返諾曼峰田聖荷西國際機場 (SJC) 的交通選擇。 跟隨App 的路線 離開機場,然後跟從指示牌前往共乘接載區。 在客運大樓 A 上車的乘客,請在行李認領...
上车地点:San Jose Mineta International Airport (SJC) 打开应用叫车 准备好后,随时打开优步应用,叫车前往目的地。请根据同行人数和行李数量选择往返圣何塞机场 (SJC) 的合适车辆。 请按照应用中的路线说明前行 请走出航站楼,按照指示牌前往共享出行上车区域。 若在A 航站楼上车,请在行李领取处外面的 ...
Informational guide about Norman Y. Mineta San Jose Airport (SJC). All the information you need to know about Arrivals, Departures, Terminal information, Amenities and Services, Parking, Transport, Maps, Car rental
Informational guide about Norman Y. Mineta San Jose Airport (SJC). All the information you need to know about Arrivals, Departures, Terminal information, Amenities and Services, Parking, Transport, Maps, Car rental
Travel Through SJC to the Sounds of Music SJC Deputy Director Showcases Award-Winning ARFF Facility at IPI Event Love is in the Air…port: SJC Happy Tails Therapy Animal Parades on 2/14 Unveiling a Tribute to Norman Y. Mineta Double Delight at SJC: Dunkin' and Peet’s Coffee!