Friendship Agape is an evangelical Christian church that serves the Chinese and English community in San Jose, California
5th St. San Jose, CA 粵語Cantonese , 週日 1:30 PM St. Clare’s Church 941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 國語Mandarin, 週日 3:00 PM St. Clare’s Church 941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA (彌撒將同時在本網首頁及ZOOM:732-732-7732全程直播) 英語English, 週日 4:30 PM St. Clare...
Friendship Agape is an evangelical Christian church that serves the Chinese and English community in San Jose, California
12 Step Meetings at Roeswood Community Church in San Jose, . The most comprehensive list of 12 Step meetings in San Jose,
October 27, 2024 主題: 耶穌聖心 深愛你我 醫治安慰! 對象: Young Adults 時間: 11/02/2024 (Sat) 9:30AM – 2PM 地點: St. Clare Church Parish Hall 午餐建議奉獻: $15 報名: 聯繫 Drizzle 常田月 or 歐神父 Read More → All Saints Day & Halloween Party 10/27/2024All Saints Day & ...
“San Jose Chinese Catholic Community” started to expand. We also held several major evangelization meetings and helped some Catholics come back to church. The church encouraged lay people to be involved in parish affairs after Vatican II. It was rare to have a group like ours with a ...
Welcome to Church in San Jose - a church for all the lovers of Christ in oneness. The Church in San Jose is a Bible loving church for all seekers of Christ.
In the name of the whole Chinese Mission our gratitude to Bishop Cantu for his support, and our assurance that we will work together to support the New Pastoral Plan that he is preparing to announce for our Diocese of San Jose. From the Cantonese Community, the speech of Clement Wong ...
圣荷西教堂遗迹 San Jose Church Remains *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!圣荷西教堂遗迹位于天宁岛上,教堂是德国人在一战期间建立的,在德国人统治期间,他们建立了大量的设施为当地人服务,教堂和其旁边的医院都是那时留下来的。现在这个教堂在二战时损毁一大半,但是遗迹还是清晰可见,非常具有历史气息。
圣荷西教堂 San Jose Church *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!圣荷西教堂坐落在小城区内,据说历史可追溯到1673年,其中还历经搬迁、损毁和重塑。其标志性的金坛其实并不全是金子,而是由金箔、油漆覆盖的桃花心木构成。教堂虽因历史原因已经有些破败,却不影响它的庄严肃穆,吸引着许多虔诚教徒的来访。 提示:地址:Casco Viejo...