Main article: Transportation in the San Francisco Bay Area【主条目:旧金山湾区的交通】 此图片属于公共领域 图片题注:湾区主要城市与公路网图片来源:Kryston 旧金山湾区的交通离不开各种设施之间的配合,如发达的公路、桥梁、隧道、高速路、铁路、机场、轮渡,以及单车和人行通道。这些设施的建造、维护和运营由多个机...
我在美国不同的城市一般用“湾区”(The Bay Area)这个名称介绍我来自哪里,因为美国人听到“湾区”就...
South of Market es un barrio de San Francisco, California, situado justo al sur de Market Street.Distrito de la Misión Foto: Tim Bartel, CC BY-SA 2.0. El Distrito de la Misión, también conocido localmente como "La Misión", es un barrio de San Francisco, California, cuyo…Haight...
San Francisco Bay Area's local news & weather station. Local reporting to make San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland and the rest of the Bay Area a better place to live.
旧金山湾区(SanFranciscoBayArea),简称湾区(TheBayArea)是美国加利福尼亚州北部的一个大都会区,位于沙加缅度河下游出海口 …|基于42个网页 2. 三藩市湾区 GilroyPremiumOutlet是*三藩市湾区(SanFranciscoBayArea)两大工厂直销中心(FactoryOut-let)之一,由于临近火车站,交…|基于6个网页...
San Francisco Bay Area's local news & weather station. Local reporting to make San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland and the rest of the Bay Area a better place to live.
San Francisco Bay Area's local news & weather station. Local reporting to make San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland and the rest of the Bay Area a better place to live.
图片红色代表着湾区建城区(built up area)。我在美国不同的城市一般用“湾区”(The Bay Area)这个...
San Francisco Bay Area's local news & weather station. Local reporting to make San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland and the rest of the Bay Area a better place to live.