A drink precedes a story goes an old Irish proverb, which explains why on March 17th revelers will spend the day celebrating St. Guinness as much as St. Patrick, born Maewyn Succat, legendary for driving the snakes out of Ireland. Raise a pint at these San Francisco Irish pubs ...
San Francisco loves a hill. And San Franciscoadoresa steep hill. So much so that my roommate Venessa specifically warned me that my calves were going to explode, hulk-style, as a result of walking around – pointing out her own monster calves as an example.(FYI they’re tiny, dainty li...
Buena Vista Cafe: This café is an institution in San Francisco. It's known for bringing Irish Coffee to the US. In addition, stop by for some delicious American food served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. See pictures and a recap frommy most recent visit. It might even look familiar,...
19.Irish Coffee atBuena Vista Café(2765 Hyde St.) View this photo on Instagram 20.Any sandwich atIke's Place(3489 16th St.) View this photo on Instagram 21.Papua New Guinea S'more atDandelion Chocolate(740 Valencia St.) View this photo on Instagram ...