为什么这么说呢?首先,San Francisco的变体就比Helvetica Neue多。平常版本的Helvetica Neue只有8种字重,6个带斜体,而San Francisco字体会有更多变体。下面我会详细说明。其次,San Francisco为了适应手表上的WatchOS和iOS/OS X,分别设计了两种字体:SF(又称为SF UI)和SF Compact。下面又各自分成了Te...
在Apple Watch上表现出优秀美观度和易读性的San Francisco字体将被全面部署到iOS 9和OS X El Capitan当中,替代之前的Helvetica字体。 目前,苹果已经面向开发者放出了San Francisco字体包的下载。 介绍显示,San Francisco字体支持苹果的动态字体调节技术,能够自动根据字号动态调整字间距以及字体高度,从而达到最佳的阅读效果...
系統可以針對字體大小、屏幕亮度、屏幕冷暖、屏幕PPI等選擇San Francisco針對不同情況所單獨設計的變體,這...
font-family: PingFangSC-Thin, sans-serif; 苹方-简 中黑体 font-family: PingFangSC-Medium, sans-serif; 苹方-简 中粗体 font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold, sans-serif; IOS 英文字体:San Francisco Pro San Francisco Pro 字体适用于iOS, MacOS, tvOS,而 Apple Watch 字体则是「SFcompact」,下载时注意...
Like San Francisco, these extensions to the Apple system font feature nine weights, a rounded variant, and variable optical sizes that automatically adjust spacing and proportion based on the point size. Each script extension has been designed to fit with SF Pro for multilingual typesetting, while...
Apple San Francisco字体在颤动中 Apple San Francisco字体是一种由苹果公司自家开发的字体,被广泛用于苹果的操作系统(如iOS、macOS)和应用程序界面设计中。它以其简洁、现代的外观和良好的可读性而受到赞誉。 该字体具有以下特点: 简洁现代:Apple San Francisco字体的设计风格简洁,线条流畅,符合现代化的视觉要求。
Anyone who has upgraded to iOS 9, or OS X El Capitan has probably noticed the system font has changed to Apple’s San Francisco Font. This font quietly shipped with the Apple Watch, in WatchOS, and will also be in the new tvOS on Apple TV. ...
首先在Apple Watch上启用的San Francisco字体,以其清晰柔和与高可读性为特色。苹果正在将其全面部署至下一代各个平台系统中,成为iOS 9, OS X El Capitan以及watchOS 2的系统字体,取代原先采用的Helvetica字体。现在苹果已经在开发者页面中开放下载San Francisco字体包。 watch OS和iOS 9以及OS X El Capitan采用的...
SanFranciscoText-Semibold.otf SanFranciscoText-SemiboldItalic.otf Repository files navigation README SanFranciscoFont The San Francisco font by Apple used in the Apple Watch, iOS 9, and OS X El Capitan. Originally found at https://developer.apple.com/watchos/download/About...
We may get our first official glimpse of San Francisco as a system-wide iOS and OS X font on June 8, when Apple is expected to show off iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 for the first time. Not much else is known about the two operating systems, but Apple may be opting to focus more on in...