必应词典为您提供San-Francisco-Fire-Department-Museum的释义,网络释义: 旧金山消防局博物馆;三藩市消防局博物馆;
这是SAN FRANCISCO MUSEUM OF MODERN ART的页面列表。 它的详细信息州, 城市, 街道, 邮政编码, 电话, 在线地图如下。 博物馆信息 法定名称: SAN FRANCISCO MUSEUM OF MODERN ART 街道: 151 3RD ST 城市: SAN FRANCISCO 州: CA - California 邮政编码: 94103-3107 邮政编码5: 94103 电话: (415) ...
旧金山现代艺术博物馆(San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)建于1935年,旧址在市政中心的退伍軍人大楼(Veterans Building)內,是美国西岸第一座专门收藏現代艺术的博物馆(也是全美第二大),1995年搬到「苏玛区」,新址是一棟由瑞士名建筑师马里奥.波塔(Mario Botta)所设计的现代化建筑,最突出的特征是一个高38公尺的圆...
Your San Francisco pass includes dozens of other top attractions, all for one money-saving price What you'll do SFMOMA was originally constructed as the first West Coast museum dedicated to modern and contemporary art. A recent three-year-long expansion project has turned this already must-see ...
San Francisco History Museum 1.1 热度 4.7分 6条点评 永久停业 已停业,如恢复营业请截屏反馈 实用攻略 449 Powell St, 旧金山, CA 地图·周边 用户点评(6)查看全部 4.7/5分 好评6 b***98 5分 超棒 想研究学习点历史的可以去去,融入文化。 deancr 5分 超棒 Fdasfdafdafdsafdsafdas 5...
the staff of the Museum of the City of San Francisco has labored--with your help--to compile the first-ever register of those who died in San Francisco's Great Earthquake and Fire of 1906. With your assistance, however, today we can at last honor the lost citizenry, and recognize all ...
Interactive Map 11°C 52°F Monday, March 10, 202510:00 AM Image Printable Airport Maps Airport Overview International Terminal Overview A & G Gates Harvey Milk Terminal 1 B Gates Terminal 2 C & D Gates Terminal 3 E & F Gates Post-Security Connectors...
旧金山万豪侯爵酒店 (San Francisco Marriott Marquis) 4等级(最高为5等级) 780 Mission Street, 市场南, 旧金山(CA), 美国, 94103-查看地图 住宿位于市场南的上佳位置,让您轻松探索周遭景点。 这家酒店的设施十分完善,可大大提升您的住宿品质,为旅程增添欢乐。
McEvoy Foundation for the Arts Minnesota Street Project Museum of the African Diaspora Museum of Craft and Design SF Camerawork SFMOMA Truhlsen-Marmor Museum of the Eye The Walt Disney Family Museum Yerba Buena Center for the Arts visitors Getting Around...
The San Francisco Maritime Museum is a popular attraction in the Fisherman's Wharf neighborhood. It's just one of the museums found in the San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park. It's located inside the gorgeous, historic white bathhouse on Beach Street. ...