旧金山主要报纸《旧金山纪事报》(San Francisco Chronicle)1880年1月9日的 头版头条是“Le Roi Est Mort”(法语“君王驾崩”),宣布: “美国皇帝和墨西哥保护者诺顿一世逝世。” 众所周知,美国独立之前是英国殖民地,独立之后一直实行共和制,1月9日又不是愚人节,怎么冒出了一名皇帝出来?这位皇帝当然是自封的。
San Francisco’s zone of prostitution, 1880–1934 - SHUMSKY, SPRINGER - 1981Shumsky, N., & Springer, L. (1981). San Francisco's Zone of Prostitution: 1880-1934. Journal of Historical Geography, 7(1), 71-89.Shumsky, Neil Larry and Larry M. Springer. “San Francisco’s Zone of ...
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《预订 Signs of Change: Urban Iconographies in San Francisco, 1880-1915 变化的迹象:旧金山城市图像 1880 - 1915: 97808》。最新《预订 Signs of Change: Urban Iconographies in San Francisco, 1880-1915 变化的迹象:旧金山城市
HI San Francisco City Center Hostel– This is a fun, friendly hostel which offers a sociable place to stay in San Francisco – on a budget, too.
Notes 1. The 1880 Census determined San Francisco's population to be 233,959, which probably should be regarded as a minimum figure; the municipal government estimated a total of 247,000, while compilers of the city directory offered their own bullish estimate of 305,000. The Census Office ...
Girlhood journeys Shannon lost and found San Francisco 1880: Book two,丢失与找回,Aladdin,Aladdin Books,Girlhood journeys Shannon
旧金山&圣弗兰西斯科San Francisco:1834年孤身一人跋山涉水的瑞士人约翰• 奥古斯特•苏特尔在这片荒地上开疆扩土,挖水渠,建磨坊,发展畜牧业,农业,成立海外代理店;1839年创建了新赫尔维特国家,1848年他的细木匠詹姆斯·威尔逊·马歇尔在锯木厂发现了金子,本想和自己国家的人一起闷头默默发财,谁想一个女人走漏了风...
Ad from 1901 San Diego City Directory It was a saloon. But its owner, Peter Becker, sometimes referred to it as a “resort,” or “drinking resort,” in newspaper ads. It turns out, in looking at newspapers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, that the word “resort” would so...
the piano business during the early years of my working life: during the time of my training, while working in several used-piano stores as a student in Boston, during my years at Steinway Hall in New York City, and during the first five years that I worked in the San Francisco Bay ...