Bay FC, the Bay Area's National Women's Soccer League team, announced plans on Tuesday to build a training facility on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay. The team said the eight-acre training facility will feature a 20,000-square-foot clubhouse and three practice fields. Constru...
See also: Transportation in the San Francisco Bay Area【参见:旧金山湾区交通】 11.1.1 公共交通 | Public transportation See also: San Francisco Municipal Railway【参见:旧金山市区铁路】 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议 图片题注:A San Francisco cable car with Alcatraz seen behind参考译文:一辆旧金山缆车,后...
YBCA 100 Celebration returns to San Francisco... CCSF student chefs face off at the 12th Annua... More + Students Rising Above Bay Area man fixes up bicycles, helps thousan... With family support, SRA scholar charts new l... SRA scholar juggles university studies with f... Students...
Bay FC and San Francisco have announced plans for a dedicated training facility for the National Women’s Soccer League club on Treasure Island.
San Francisco Bay Area”,那其实没什么可解释的——因为这个“湾”的名字叫做“San Francisco Bay”...
图片红色代表着湾区建城区(built up area)。我在美国不同的城市一般用“湾区”(The Bay Area)这个...
加利福尼亚州 旧金山湾(San Francisco Bay) 介绍 旧金山湾是美国加利福尼亚州中部的一个河口湾,位于萨克拉门托河下游出海口。海湾呈南北链型,周围分布独立的城市,以半岛的旧金山,东湾的奥克兰,以及南湾的圣荷西为主要聚落。 旧金山很适合自驾游。大巴一日游或多日游也常常很有效。
Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco offers luxury accommodations and more in the heart of the city, just steps from Bay Area attractions, SoMa & Union Square.
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旧金山湾AVA是一个广阔的区域,占地近150万英亩,其中4215英亩(1705公顷)种植葡萄。它包含几个不同的县;Alameda, Solano, Contra Costa, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara 和Santa Cruz,每个都有自己独特的风土。 AVA的北点是旧金山,海湾对面是Contra Costa县和Livermore山谷,南部是圣克拉拉县和圣...