Reichen 擅长美国,澳大利亚,新加坡等地问题 我推荐回LA坐飞机去Mexico City, 虽然San Diego距离边境看起来很近, 但其实不是那么近, 而且还要过边境然后再转别的交通工具, 比较麻烦, 不如坐飞机直达 展开全部 赞同00讨论2019.08.29查看全部4个答案 穷游问答搜索 11月底, 美国西雅图到美国圣地亚哥往返自驾游,开自己...
我们选择走路过去,很远就可以看到一个很大的拱门(Tijuana Arch),是蒂华纳的市标,也是革命大道所在的地方,于是我们就朝着那个方向前进。 路程没有多远,一路上很多商户还没有开门,基本上走几步就能看到一家药店,道路两旁比较脏乱破败。 一会儿就到了这里,革命大道。 于是我们开始沿着革命大道转悠。街上人不多,街道两...
我们选择走路过去,很远就可以看到一个很大的拱门(Tijuana Arch),是蒂华纳的市标,也是革命大道所在的地...
當天可以來回, 但如果你想去Tijuana海邊的泰坦尼號拍攝場地和度假村,那的確需要過夜比較玩的盡心.但最好...
From: Tijuana border To: san diego airport This estimate was last updated on 07 July 2023, over 1 year ago. This taxi cost estimation from Tijuana border to san diego airport might be a bit outdated. You can recalculate it now, but we need to make sure you are not a robot first :)...
3. Taco Tuesday Hop to Tijuana from San Diego 47 Day Trips 6 hours The Tijuana city it’s waiting crossing the border from San Diego, since 1889 has been growing and in the different neighborhoods… Free cancellation Recommended by 97% of travelers from $83 per adult Reserve SPECIAL OF...
我可以从圣地亚哥用私家车直接送你去蒂华纳机场 非常方便
San Diego and Tijuana make joint proposal to host 2024 OlympicsBy Houston Mitchell
You have to do it if you are in San Diego You must go to Tijuana, you can walk around and spend the day there and have lots of fun, I have done it on my own without booking a company to take me, and I had a blast. Make sure to plan ahead, exchange some money because payi...
San Diego 2024 Olympics in Tijuana? How a Cross-Border Games Could WorkCan one Summer Olympics be held in two countries? Or in Oklahoma?Sappenfield, MarkModerate Voice