Other public colleges and universities in the city include San Diego State University (SDSU) and the San Diego Community College District, which includes San Diego City College, San Diego Mesa College, and San Diego Miramar College.【参考译文】该市其他公立高校包括圣迭戈州立大学(San Diego State Un...
Graduating 88% of students, UC San Diego alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $43,400. ucsd.edu 9500 GILMAN DRLA JOLLA, CA 92093 Work Here? Claim Your College About UC San Diego... Public College SAT/ACT Optional Branch of University of California System Athletics Division NCAA ...
Is University of California--San Diego the best public affairs school for you? Find out at US News. See if University of California--San Diego is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
To give you a better sense for how this can enrich your college experience, we’ve compiled a list of undergraduate honors programs from top public and private universities across the nation. We've included admission profiles where available, program benefits, whether an extra application is requir...
San Diego Miramar College San Diego, California 排名录取率Not reported 学校性质Public全部学生数21822 TOEFL分数要求61每年总费用5016 SAT平均分0报名截止日01-JUN 在线申请 收藏院校 比较 查找类似学校 感兴趣 已收藏 10 University of California: Santa Barbara ...
San Diego Mesa is an above-average public college located in San Diego, California. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 3,585 undergraduate students. The San Diego Mesa acceptance rate is 100%. Popular majors include Business, Liberal Arts and Humanities, and Psychology. Graduating ...
自1964年成立以来,它便以卓越的学术成就和职业培训成果赢得了广泛赞誉。作为加州 116 所社区学院中规模最大、最成功的学院之一, 作为圣地亚哥社区学院区最大的学院,梅萨学院以其高的学术标准、优秀的课程和服务帮助每个学生取得成功。 值得一提的是,梅萨学院的转学率极高,许多学子都成功迈入了加州大学等一流学府的...
San Diego Christian College *人力有限且学校数量众多,如校名翻译有误请直接联系续航老师修改 学校性质:私立非盈利(4年制) 宗教信仰:非教派(Undenominational) 现任校长:Dr. David Poole (President and CEO) 学校网址:sdcc.edu/ 招生办公室(Admission Office)页面:sdcc.edu/admissions 助学金办公室(Financial aid...
San Diego, 美国加州 92101-4787 United States 电话:(619) 388-3475 传真:(619) 388-3505 联系人:Lou Humphries Student Services Supervisor II 学校类型 Public Community College Junior College Two-year Coed Regionally Accredited Western Association of Schools and Colleges ...
圣地亚哥基督学院 San Diego Christian College,是一所Private学校,位于美国西部的El Cajon,位列USNews | 2012全美高中升学顾问推荐的全国文理学院大学排名 No.#143 | 2012年全美文理学院新生保留率排名 No.-- | 2012年全美为低收入家庭的学生发放助学金最高的文理学院排