Evelyn White San Diego California EMAIL: evastarr24@yahoo.com Phone:(440) 930-8865 Astro-Energetics This program uses the foundation established by Donna Eden (Energy Medicine), Victoria and Gordon Merkle, Alexander Lowen, John and Eva Pierakos, Barbara Brennan, and Robert Jaffe, whic...
San Diego Family Magazine provides educational articles, resources and information with a focus on family issues for families in SD and Southern California.
Companies are getting more active and the range of stage offerings is exciting.The Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center’s Arts/Teatro Salon will present “La Carpa de Frontera,” written and performed by CARPA San Diego, a touring Mexicano vaudeville show from San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico. Now ...
As a leading San Diego web design agency, we have a bespoke process from the start to the end of your project, with tailored web designs unique to your requirements. Landing Pages A successful landing page can quickly increase your website conversions. Whether you are looking to grow your em...
I’ve been with RWA since the mid-eighties, almost from the beginning. After I retired in 2000, I began to write seriously with the intention of publishing and joined the San Diego Chapter. The group has been for me a never-ending and positive source of support, encouragement, and learnin...
Email us at: GetDave@DaveWhiteMultimedia.com Or call us at (760) 505-2616 We are located in San Marcos CA and serve the areas of San Diego, and San Diego County
San Diego Jewish Arts Festival San Diego Jewish Chamber Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Therapy in Motion Inc. DEDICATIONS Each day's issue may be dedicated by readers—or by the publisher—in other people's honor or memory. Past dedications may be found at the bottom ofthe indexfor ...
When We Mock Trump’s Hands, What do People with Disabilities Hear? By Diego Kusnir It’s times like these that, as guilty as I feel saying it, I’m glad I have normal, nice hands. I went to the Women’s March, looking for support for myself, just as much as to stand with wom...
And … here’s the invitation I received from the White House.  Sorry but it’s not transferable.  🙂 Friends, You represent the incredible local community organizing that happens every day across this country, connecting people who share common passions and who would otherwise ...
Note that night in the Sanjuanist poem can be seen as a time of darkness and bewilderment but also of introspection and spiritual search; similarly, for LGBTIQ+ people who live in the secrecy of the night due to lack of social acceptance, the night can represent a time of hiding and is...