In Fall 2010, the Port of San Diego (Port) began development of a Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Plan (Climate Plan). The Climate Plan is envisioned as an important tool for future planning and development of tidelands under the Port's jurisdiction as it would help the Port identify, ...
If a tsunami were to threaten the San Diego coast, San Diego’s 10 coastal cities and U.S. Naval installations could refer to new tsunami response “playbooks” that include tailored, phased evacuation and mitigation plans for each area. ...
It seems clear that what is needed,in addition to engineering studies to develop appropriate procedures for evaluating and coping with the hazard from existing buildings,is knowledge about the range of appropriate incentives which might prove useful for governments to use to facilitate implementation of...
Based on the flood hazard map legend by DOST-Project NOAH, San Manuel and San Vicente had medium flood level and evacuation is possible. The stimulated model helped local government to create disaster risk management and hazard mitigation plan to prevent damages associated with the dam breaching ...
The City of Hayward is located in an area of high seismic hazard, primarily because the Hayward Fault runs through the center of the city. The Hayward Fault is one of the most active faults in the San Francisco Bay Area, and has an estimated probability of 28% of a major earthquake in...
The purpose of this project was to demonstrate nonstructural hazard mitigation to the industrial community surrounding San Jose State University. A Materials Processing Laboratory which has a wide variety of experimental equipment was retrofitted in three phases. In Phase Ⅰ the doors of all wall ...
Gonzalez-Chávez, M.C.; Carrillo-González, R.; Gutierrez-Castorena, M.C. Natural attenuation in a slag heap contaminated with cadmium: The role of plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.J. Hazard. Mater.2009,161, 1288–1298. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] ...