It is our purpose to provide current information on species ranges and seasonal activity patterns in the San Diego County MSCP area. This data will be valuable for comparison of current versus historical distribution of bat species, provide baseline data for biological monitoring of the NCCP ...
“The new Type 1 helicopter significantly bolsters our local air attack arsenal. It can drop about seven times as much water as the existing County firefighting helicopters,” said Jeff Collins, San Diego County Fire director. A Type 1 is the most powerful helicopter in County Fire’s air as...
We conducted a bat species inventory of the Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) area in San Diego County, California. The study began in the early summer of 2002 and terminated in the winter of 2003. We used a variety of bat survey techniques including ultrasonic bat detectors, mist-...
Report of the Independent Science Advisors on the San Diego East County MSCP (NCCP/HCP) Part I: Recommendations Following the Workshop, February 2-3, 2006Reed NossPaul BeierRobert FisherKathy Williams
S. Geological Survey conducted focused surveys for the arroyo toad and western pond turtle within nine watersheds of San Diego County, eight of which fall within the MSCP boundaries. Daytime arroyo toad habitat surveys were conducted at 39 sites. Eighteen of these sites were determined to have ...