city.[122] The San Diego County regional planning agency, SANDAG, provides tables and graphs breaking down the city population into five-year age groups.[123] 【参考译文】美国人口普查局报告称,2000年圣地亚哥有24.0%的居民年龄在18岁以下,10.5%的居民年龄在65岁以上。[111]到2011年,中位年龄为35.6岁...
See also: Mayor of San Diego, San Diego City Council, and Government of San Diego County【请参阅:圣迭戈市长、圣迭戈市议会及圣迭戈县政府】 此图片属于公共领域 图片题注:Todd Gloria is the current Mayor of San Diego.参考译文:托德·格洛里亚(Todd Gloria)是圣迭戈现任市长。图片作者:Lance Cpl. Samant...
The San Diego County Water Authority has an unusual project to use the city's first water reservoir(水库)to store water power. The project could help reduce America's climate-energy future.Perhaps we're from zero. Large underground pipes will connect the idea to a new reservoir built about ...
D The San Diego County Water Authority has an unusual plan to use the city's San Vicente Reservoir (水库) to store solar power. The project could help unlock America's clean energy future.Perhaps ten years from now, large underground pipes will connect the lake to a reservoir built about ...
San Diego, one of 18 cities in Southern California's San Diego County, is the eighth largest city in the United States. Sharing a border with Mexico, San Diego is known for its mild, dry climate, with a year-round temperature average of around 68 degrees F (20 degrees Celsius) and low...
San Diego County Amateur Radio Amateur Radio San Diego County Category San Diego (City) Category Cities Category Ambulance Services Category Recreation Lakes/Waterways Category Light Rail Category Transportation Category Education Category Universities Category Airports Aircraft / Airport Attractions Attraction Bu...
这是San Diego页面。 San Diego是来自不同州的许多地方使用的城市名称。 您可以在下面找到有关每个地方的更多信息。 城市名称由USPS指定,可以是城市、城镇、乡村学校名称等。
Roseville (San Diego County)经纬度及电子地图 城市中文名称 : 城市英文名称 : Roseville (San Diego County) 州或国家代码 : CA (US) 国家中文名 : 美国 国家英文名 : United States 城市所在纬度 : 32°44'00.00"N 城市所在经度 : 117°14'00.00"W...
92189 邮编:92189 城市:San Diego 县/郡:San Diego County 市/州:CA 纬度:32.7234 经度:-117.1678 地图:查看Google地图
San DiegoType: City with 1,390,000 residents Description: city in San Diego County, California, United States; second-largest city in California Postal codes: 92101-92117, 92119-92124, 92126-92132, 92134-92140, 92142, 92145, 92147, 92149, 92150, 92152-92155, 92158-92161, 92163, 92165-...