city.[122] The San Diego County regional planning agency, SANDAG, provides tables and graphs breaking down the city population into five-year age groups.[123] 【参考译文】美国人口普查局报告称,2000年圣地亚哥有24.0%的居民年龄在18岁以下,10.5%的居民年龄在65岁以上。[111]到2011年,中位年龄为35.6岁...
See also: Mayor of San Diego, San Diego City Council, and Government of San Diego County【请参阅:圣迭戈市长、圣迭戈市议会及圣迭戈县政府】 此图片属于公共领域 图片题注:Todd Gloria is the current Mayor of San Diego.参考译文:托德·格洛里亚(Todd Gloria)是圣迭戈现任市长。图片作者:Lance Cpl. Samant...
根据第一段“The San Diego County Water Authority has an unusual plan to use the city’s scenic San Vicente Reservoir (水库) to store solar power so it’s available after sunset. The project could help unlock America’s clean energy future. (圣地亚哥县水务局有一个不同寻常的计划,利用该市...
San Diego County Websites Incorporated - (San Diego County) - Map + - (San Diego County) - (San Diego County) - (San Diego County) - (San Diego County) - (San Diego...
The San Diego County Water Authority has an unusual project to use the city's first water reservoir(水库)to store water power. The project could help reduce America's climate-energy future.Perhaps we're from zero. Large underground pipes will connect the idea to a new reservoir built about ...
陽光燦爛的San Diego聖地牙哥被暱稱為America’s Finest City美國最美好的城市,位置在距離洛杉磯南方約二小時車程位置,如果居住南邊些,一小時多就會到,可當日來回。一般想到San Diego這個城市,最有名是San Diego是America’s Biotech and Life Science Clusters美國生物科技產業相當集中的地帶,在旅遊上有許多知名的景點...
South Bay Photo: Djh57, CC BY 3.0. The South Bay region of San Diego County is bounded by San Diego to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the west, the international border with Mexico to the south, and the Otay Lakes to the east. Chula Vista Coronado National City Imperial Beach...
【维基百科的消歧义提示】This article is about the city in California. For the county, see San Diego County, California. For other uses, see San Diego (disambiguation).【参考译文】这篇文章是关于加利福尼亚州的圣迭戈市。关于该县,请参见加利福尼亚州圣迭戈县。其他用途,请参见圣迭戈(消歧义)。 此...
图片题注:San Diego State University参考译文:圣迭戈州立大学图片作者:Roman Eugeniusz According to education rankings released by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2017, 44.4% of San Diegans (city, not county) ages 25 and older hold bachelor's degrees, compared to 30.9% in the United States as a wh...