圣克里斯托巴尔酒店(Hotel San Cristobal) Mediterraneo12 米 Amnesia Discoteque95 米 Bar Tommy186 米 Pinoleros Bar2公里 Ibiza Bar and Lounge2.02公里 El Nogal Restaurante & Buffet2.44公里 Deli Pan2.03公里 Iguanas Club Resort2.25公里 Bar MI TIERRA2.46公里 ...
3 San Cristobal Verapaz 20.0mm 4 San Juan Chamelco 20.0mm 5 Santa Cruz Verapaz 20.0mm 6 Tactic 20.0mm 7 Lanquin 16.5mm 8 Senahu 16.5mm 9 Cahabon 12.0mm 10 Uspantan 10.1mm Nearby Flores 32°~14° San Andres 32°~15° San Francisco 32°~14° Santa Ana 32°~14°...
Step back in time and immerse yourself in the rich history ofSan Juan National Historic Site. Discover the majestic forts of CastilloSan Felipe del MorroandCastillo San Cristobal. Uncover the secrets of these remarkable fortifications as you explore their tunnels, dungeons, ramps, and barracks. As...
UTC / GMT Offset -4:00 hours during , currently in use. -4:00 hours during Hora Legal de Venezuela. Daylight Saving Time Change 0:00 hours - DST is NOT in use Daylight Saving Time Starts Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time. ...
Queniquea Lagunillas Colon La Azulita Puerto Santander Michelena Lobatera Cordero Santa Elena de Arenales La Esperanza Palmira Ejido Tariba San Carlos del Zulia Pueblo Nuevo El Chivo San Cristobal Capacho Nuevo Capacho Viejo Mucumpiz Aricagua Merida Urena Contact...
Partirai alle 8:00 da San Cristobal de las Cosas, poi arriverai alla cascata e successivamente a Lagos de Montebello, dove potrai pranzare ed esplorare... Altro 10 ore Cancellazione gratuita a partire da € 47 4.5 (4) Tour di San Juan Chamula e Zinacantan Questo tour il prelievo ini...
you'll notice one side of the hill is shaded in the morning. If you want to take a tourist bus throughout the park, you can buy tickets and catch the bus at the same place you catch the funicular. Cerro san Cristobal is so much more than a hill with...
Santa Ana Department San Cristóbal 在寻找Spa酒店? 一天观光行程后,还有什么比在健康Spa中心放松更让人享受?Spa酒店设有热水浴池、热水泳池和专业按摩服务等豪华设施服务,专注于为客人提供最大限度的放松。一些Spa酒店还使用直接来自于地下的矿物质水,帮助客人维持和恢复健康状态。 搜索San Cristóbal的Spa酒店...
Santa Anabarrio San Blasbarrio Mollocochaaldea Picchu La Rinconadabarrio SantiagosuburbioLugares destacados en el áreaMirador de San Cristobalmirador Tranvía de Cusco (train museum) Museo de las Plantas Sagradasmuseo Comisaría PNP Cuscocomisaría Sapantianayacimiento arqueológico...
San Cristobal El Bajo San Cristóbal Localidades en el áreaSanta Isabelbarrio Santa Anasuburbio El Corozalbarrio El Calvariosuburbio La RinconadabarrioLugares destacados en el áreaCruz Atrial de San Cristobal El Bajoiglesia Plaza San Cristóbal El Bajoparque Pila de San Cristóbal El Bajoestanque ...